

Dugger / Duggar Surname

The American Dugger / Duggar families seem to have their European origins mainly in Great Britain. People with this surname have been found in England, Scotland and Northern Ireland. Family tradition among some American Duggers suggest Scottish origin, while others talk about French and or German origin, but no evidence has been found (so far) regarding a recent French or German origin for the American Dugger families.

Almost all of the early American families (1700's-late 1800's) spelling their name Dugger or Duggar can be traced back to Daniel Dugger (originally Dugard) of Surry and Brunswick Co., VA who was born ca 1690's, quite probably in England, though that isn't certain.

Numerous Dugar / Dugard families appeared in Louisiana in the early 1800's and it is assumed they are of French origin mainly due to the spelling and the location. A few who spelled their names that way appeared in Virginia in the 1700's and early 1800's as well. It isn't known if the Virginia Dugars and Duggers are related. Perhaps there is an ancient connection.

Visit the Dugger Origins page for more information

DNA Project

There is an ongoing Dugger surname DNA project. Several known, or suspected, descendants of Daniel Dugger have participated. We need others from this line and other Dugger and Dugar lines to participate. Click here to visit the Dugger DNA Project homepage.


Census Records

United States Census Records
Year State
1790 All available States
1800 All available States
1810 All available States
1820 All available States
1830 All available States
1840 All available States
1850 AL, AR, CA, FL, GA, IL, IN, KY, LA, MD, MA, MS,


1850 Mortality Schedule, Slave Schedule
1860 AL, AR, DE, FL, GA, IL

Marriage Records

Miscellaneous Records

Families By States and Counties

Each state page has (or will have) a list of Duggers who lived in that state, sorted by county and by names:

External Links