My Trees
Ancestors (search) (explore) (copy)
pages: 878
Cummings (search) (explore) (copy)
pages: 107
Elsdon (search) (explore) (copy)
pages: 19
Fattorusso (search) (explore) (copy)
pages: 19
Fisher (search) (explore) (copy)
pages: 143
Gorton (search) (explore) (copy)
pages: 41
Holman (search) (explore) (copy)
pages: 201
Hood (search) (explore) (copy)
pages: 28
Van Bunschoten (search) (explore) (copy)
pages: 486
Vopalensky (search) (explore) (copy)
pages: 116
Way (search) (explore) (copy)
pages: 151
Users Researching
User pages
Trentf/Aaron's Musket
Trentf/Charles Holman Mystery
Trentf/Mercy Grant Mystery
Trentf/Way Family Notes
Trentf/way letter
I am Trent Fisher, a software engineer by trade. I have been a fan of wikis for a long time and this site seems to be an ideal use for them. Coincidentally, wikis were invented by Ward Cunningham, whose wife was one of my favorite professors in college (though that was long before wikis, or the web, for that matter).

I am originally from Oregon but currently living in Connecticut, not too far from where some of my ancestors lived (Dutchess and Ulster counties, NY, Eastern CT, RI, MA, NH and VT). My mother (User:LadyK) has accumulated a lot of information, which was, in turn, compiled by other family members. She put it all into her PC back in the 90's. I'm hoping that putting it on here will let she and I collaborate on it a bit more.

While I have decades of experience on computers and the internet, I really have no clue about genealogy, but I figure this is a good place to learn. I really want to get this information sorted out for my daughter.

If you really want to know more about me, see my web sites and

My Family

Pedigree of The Little Girl
The Little Girl User:trentf My father Joseph Fisher
Bessie Vopalensky
User:LadyK Wilford Way
Zela Holman
my wife Joseph Fattorusso Adolph Fattorusso
Frances Matteo
My mother-in-law John Elsdon
Helen Hall

Others I am researching

  • Donald and Sharlene Wood -- a long lost friend from my childhood (my searching for him turned up information on his parents and grandparents, and off we go...)
  • my ex-wife's father -- unsourced family trees link him to a common ancestor

Interesting ancestors:

  • Fr. Urban Fischer, O.S.B. -- My great great uncle was a priest, professor and helped found the church in my home town.
  • Theunis Eliasen Van Bunschoten -- my seventh great grandfather, came to America before 1671.
  • Captain Gerrit Thyssen -- my eighth great grandfather, and possibly the earliest to come to America, before 1649.
  • Major Elias Van Bunschoten -- my sixth great grandfather, served in the 'assault on Canada'.
  • Aaron Van Benschoten -- my fourth great grandfather, served in the American Revolution.
  • George C. Benschoter -- my second great uncle, served in the Civil War and died within a year of enlisting.
  • Hiram Way -- My third great uncle, I believe he was what southerners refer to as a "carpetbagger".
  • Samuel Gorton -- my eighth great grandfather, founder of Warwick, Rhode Island.
  • Dr. John Maplet -- my ninth great uncle, Personal physician to Charles II.
  • Samuel Gorton -- my fifth great grandfather, a revolutionary war soldier.
  • Isaac Cummings -- my ninth great grandfather, came to America before 1641.
  • Ebenezer Cummings -- my fifth great grandfather, he was in Capt. Samuel Greeley's company, sent to Concord and Lexington April, 1775.
  • Philip Crose -- my fifth great grandfather, a revolutionary war soldier, fought at the Battle of Guilford Court House.
  • Captain John Cole -- my fifth great grandfather, a revolutionary war soldier, fought at Bunker Hill and Saratoga.
  • Sarah Alsbee -- the second wife of my ninth great grandfather, accused of witchcraft in the Salem Witch Trials, but acquitted. The same happened to his brother's wife.
  • Jason Harrington -- my fifth great-grandfather, a revolutionary war soldier, (Capt. Marion's Co., July 23, 1779 to Apr. 28, 1780). As was his father (enlisted from Weston, Mass., Aug. 18, 1774), his brother (militia of the town of Weston, Mass., Aug. 18, 1774) and his brother-in-law (who marched on the alarm at Battle of Lexington, April 19, 1775)
  • Thomas Colburn -- my sixth great uncle who died in the Battle of Bunker Hill.
  • Jerathmeel Bowers -- my eighth great-grandfather, whose house is still standing.
  • Samuel Armstrong Cheney -- my 4th great uncle, served in the Civil War, was captured and spent 9 months in Andersonville Prison.
  • Thomas Cheney -- my 5th great grandfather, a revolutionary war soldier.
  • Solomon Holman -- my 7th great grandfather, was seized by a press-gang and served on a man-of-war, he escaped in New England and settled in Newbury in 1693.

Task List

The GEDCOM file I had had no sources and a number of other problems, and it was very difficult to collaborate with my mother, therefore, I am uploading whatever bits I can bring sufficiently up to snuff. Here are my current plans:

[MySource:Trentf/Annie Come Home] though it entirely lacks dates and some key names

  • Build up a list of places to visit related to various ancestors (e.g. graves, home sites, churches, etc). My wife wants to do some road trips, so I may as well work some of these destinations in.