Person:Samuel Gorton (40)

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Samuel Gorton
m. 17 Nov 1717
  1. John GortonAft 1717 - Abt 1787
  2. Samuel Gorton1723 -
  1. Grant Gorton1753 - Abt 1782
  2. Mary Gorton1755 -
  3. John Gorton1766 - 1851
Facts and Events
Name Samuel Gorton
Gender Male
Birth? 1723
Marriage to Mercy Grant
  1.   102, in Gorton, Adelos. The Life and Times of Samuel Gorton: the Founders and the Founding of the Republic, a Section of Early United States History, and a History of the Colony of Providence and Rhode Island Plantations in the Narragansett Indian Country, Now the State of Rhode Island, 1592-1636-1677-1687 : With a Genealogy of Samuel Gortons's Descendants to the Present Time, Compiled from Various Accounts, Histories, Letters, and Published and Unpublished Records. (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: George S. Ferguson, 1907)
    pp. 169,182,183.

    Samuel Gorton, born --, married Mary Grant.

    ... was probably born in Westerly; married Mercy Grant. He lived on Teft's Plains, South Kingstown, and that part of Westerly which was in 1738 set off to Charlestown, and then in 1747 set off as Richmond, R.I.; also in the town, now county, of New London, Conn. In 1773 he applied to join the Friends' Society at South Kingstown and was received by them, he, nevertheless, enlisting and serving in Colonel Brewer's Regiment, Revolutionary Army, register 1777. In 1778 he gave fifty-five years as his age.