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John Jacob Wolff (1707-1799) of Stony Creek, Shenandoah Co., VA

This month, WeRelate looks at the Person Page of John Jacob Wolff, born 31 March 1707 in Oberauerbach, Zweibrücken, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany, the son of Jacob Wolff and his wife Ana Maria. Jacob Wolff acquired 400 acres on the West side of Stony Creek in what was then Frederick County, Virginia in 1754. This area of the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia, was an early area of migration by many early German settlers in the mid-1700's, many of which were land speculators that helped to settle the area in spite of many Indian attacks that lasted until near the end of the century.

Wolf Gap, Virginia [part of which later became part of West Virginia in 1863] was named after this Jacob Wolf who was one of the first settlers on Stony Creek in what was then located in Augusta and Frederick Counties in Colonial Virginia that now is on the border of Shenandoah County, Virginia and Hardy County, West Virginia. Stony Creek is a tributary of the North Fork Shenandoah River. He married Anna Catharine Schmidt on 7 September 1729 in Schmitshausen, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany, and they were to have at least six children that were named in Jacob's will written 20 April 1795 and proven 10 December 1799 in Shenandoah County, Virginia. Their children married into several other prominent German Virginia settlers in the Shenandoah Valley. This Person Page, is a good example of the type of Page that you can add to WeRelate for your ancestors. (learn more...)

WeRelate is a free public-service wiki for genealogy sponsored by the Foundation for On-Line Genealogy formerly in partnership with the Allen County Public Library. It has pages for over 3,100,000 people and growing. WeRelate is supported by volunteers and your tax-deductible donations.

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July Challenge

In the meantime, the Challenge for July 2021 is to fix as many pages as possible where there is an event before the birth/christening date. Please read the instructions carefully.