WeRelate:Pando for genealogy

The largest organism in the world is a grove of Aspen trees named Pando. The 47,000 trees are connected by a common underground root system. By combining the people from your tree with others into a single unified tree containing the best information from all contributors, and making this a free public resource, we're creating Pando for genealogy.

WeRelate is different from most family tree websites. We take a shared approach to genealogy. The aim is to provide free, open access to genealogical data and the evidence that supports that data. Any deceased person can have an entry (and only one) with the entry linked to entries of known relatives. By adding to WeRelate you are contributing your work to a larger collaborative effort. Other people may be working pages you contribute.

Ultimately, we seek pages that are well documented with strong sources; therefore you are strongly encouraged to include source information. In addition, we hope that you will monitor the pages you create and respond to others' comments on the pages.

Read more about wiki etiquette.

If you haven't already done so, help Pando grow by uploading your tree!