Person:Sarah Whipple (3)

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m. Abt 1621
  1. Susannah Whipple1622 - Aft 1692/93
  2. John Whipple1623/24 - 1625
  3. Captain John Whipple1625 - 1683
  4. Elizabeth Whipple1627 - 1648
  5. Joseph Whipple1628 - Bet 1708 & 1709
  6. Matthew Whipple1628 - 1634
  7. William Whipple1631 - 1641
  8. Anne Whipple1633 - 1634
  9. Mary Whipple1634 - 1720
  10. Judith Whipple1635 - 1636
  11. Matthew Whipple1637 - 1638
  12. Sarah Whipple1641 - 1681
m. 13 Jul 1661
  1. Joseph Goodhue1662 - Bef 1687
  2. Mary GoodhueAbt 1664 -
  3. William GoodhueEst 1666 - 1722
  4. Margery GoodhueAbt 1668 - Bef 1706
  5. Sarah Goodhue1672 - 1726
  6. Susanna GoodhueAbt 1674 -
  7. Elizabeth GoodhueAbt 1676 - 1713
  8. John GoodhueAbt 1679 - 1752
  9. Child Goodhue1681 - Aft 1681
  10. Hannah Goodhue1681 - 1724
Facts and Events
Name Sarah Whipple
Gender Female
Birth[1] 3 Nov 1641 Salem, Essex, Massachusetts, United States
Marriage 13 Jul 1661 Ipswich, Essex, Deacon Joseph Goodhue
Death[2] 23 Jul 1681 Ipswich, Essex, Massachusetts, United States
  1. Salem, Essex, Massachusetts, United States. Vital Records to the End of the year 1849. (Salem, Massachusetts: Essex Institute, 1916-1925)
    Vol. 2, p. 424.

    WHYPPLE, Sarah, d. Elder, [born] Nov. 3, 1641. PR487.

  2. Waters, Thomas Franklin; Sarah Whipple Goodhue; John Wise; and Ipswich Historical Society (Massachusetts). Ipswich in the Massachusetts Bay Colony. (Ipswich, Massachusetts: The Ipswich Historical Society, 1905-17)
    Vol. 1, p. 519.

    The Copy of a Valedictory and Monitory Writing, Left by Sarah Goodhue.

    The wife of Joseph Goodhue, of Ipswich, in N.E. and found after her deceased ...

    She was the youngest daughter of Elder Whipple1, born at the said Ipswich Anno 1641, and died suddenly (as she had presaged she should) July 23, 1681, three days after she had been delivered of two hopeful children, leaving ten in all surviving.