Person:John Goodhue (12)

Please Donate
m. 13 Jul 1661
  1. Joseph Goodhue1662 - Bef 1687
  2. Mary GoodhueAbt 1664 -
  3. William GoodhueEst 1666 - 1722
  4. Margery GoodhueAbt 1668 - Bef 1706
  5. Sarah Goodhue1672 - 1726
  6. Susanna GoodhueAbt 1674 -
  7. Elizabeth GoodhueAbt 1676 - 1713
  8. John GoodhueAbt 1679 - 1752
  9. Child Goodhue1681 - Aft 1681
  10. Hannah Goodhue1681 - 1724
m. Aft 1 Dec 1711
  1. Sarah Goodhue1713 -
  2. Hannah Goodhue1715 -
  3. John Goodhue1722 -
  4. Elizabeth Goodhue1729 -
Facts and Events
Name[2] John Goodhue
Gender Male
Birth? Abt 1679 Ipswich, Essex, Massachusetts, United StatesBased on order named in father's probate
Marriage Aft 1 Dec 1711 Ipswich, Essex, Massachusetts, United StatesIntentions
to Sarah Sherwin
Death[1][3] 13 Mar 1752 Ipswich, Essex, Massachusetts, United States
  1. Ipswich, Essex, Massachusetts, United States. Vital Records of Ipswich, Massachusetts to End of the Year 1849. (Salem, Massachusetts: Essex Institute, 1910, 1919)
    Vol. 2, p. 569.

    GOODHUE, John, [died] Mar. 13, 1752,

  2. Whipple, Blaine. History and genealogy of "Elder" John Whipple of Ipswich, Massachusetts: his English ancestors and American descendants. (Victoria, British Columbia: Trafford Publishing, 2003)
    p. 83.

    Children of Joseph Goodhue and Sarah Whipple: John, b. about 1674, m. Sarah Sherwin.
    [Note: the basis for the birth estimate is unknown. A list of heirs in the father's probate which appears to be in age order lists John after Sarah, Susannah and Elizabeth and before Hannah.]

  3. Essex, Massachusetts, United States. Essex County, MA: Probate File Papers, 1638-1881: Online database. (New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2014)
    Case 11173 Goodhue John 1752 Apr. 6.

    Will of "John Goodhue of Ipswich ... Yeoman being weak in Body", dated 12 Mar 1752, proved 6 Apr 1752, names wife Sarah Goodhue; eldest daughter Sarrah Cummins; daughter Hannah Goodhue; son John Goodhue. Son John to be executor.