[Note: a large probate file, in no particular order, poor flow, undated documents, poor handwriting, and legal documents concerning guardianship of son Samuel. Attempt to capture items of genealogical substance.]
27 Sep 1697: Bond of Marcy Goodhue and William Goodhue as administrators of Joseph Goodhue late of Ipswich, deceased intestate.
16 Nov 1697: Inventory of Deacon Joseph Goodhue late Deceased: [£467:5:2?] by Simon Stacy and Joseph Whipple. Additions 5 Dec 1697 by William Hunt and Simon Stacy.
Undated: Account of Good Deacon Joseph Goodhue of Ipswich took into his hand of the Estate of Josiah Clarke Deceased upon his mariage to Mercy Clark the relict of s'd Josiah.
9 Jan 1699/1700: Dower set off to Marcy Goodhue Relect of Mr Joseph Goodhue late of Ipswich deceased.
Undated list of heirs: William Goodhue Elder, Mary Norton, Marjery [Margary] Knoulton [listed after Sarah, before Susannah], Sarah Kimball, Susannah Kimball, Elisabeth Esty [Eastey], John Goodhue, Hannah Edwards, Ebenez'r Goodhue, Joseph Goodhue, Sam'll Goodhue. A second undated list apparently upon reversion of widow's dower (significant differences in brackets).
4 Dec 1704: Deposition of Thomas Knolton that on 20 Dec 1698 at his brother's house, he did agree with his mother Goodhue to take a cow & a calf and another cow for one summer on account of her gardianship to her son Sam'll Goodhue.
Undated: Division of estate of Deacon Joseph Goodhue clear of all charges and widows thirds: to Ann Todd Daug'r in Law per agreement, to William Goodhue eldest son double share, to Mary Norton, to Marjery Knoulton, to Sarah Kimball, to Susannah Kimball, to Eliz'a Estye, to John Goodhue, to Hannah Edwards, to Ebenez'r Goodhue, to Joseph Goodhue, to Samuel Goodhue.
20 Aug 1721: Additional account of Marcy Goodhew alias Hovey surviving adm'x of Decon Joseph Goodhew, allowed.
26 Aug 1723: Mary Hovey requests setting out of her thirds of rights in several divisions of common land in Ipswich which was formerly my Husbands a third of w'ch belong to me during life.
24 Jun 1731 (warrant 31 May 1731): Appraisal of real estate set out to Mercy Goodhue Relict widdow of Deac'n Joseph Goodhue late of Ipswich. 26 Jan 1732/3: Settlement of real estate of Decon Joseph Goodhue late of Ipswich deceased that was set out to his widow Marcy for her dower: due to son William 2 shares; to Margerett Knowlton, to Hanna Edward, to Mary Norton, to Joseph Goodhue, to Elizabeth Eastie, to Susanna Kimble, to John Goodhue, to Ebenez'r Goodhue, to Samuel Goodhue, to Sarah Kimble one share each. John Goodhue to receive one third: his own share, Ebenezer's, Samuel's and his sister Sarah Kimble's. William Goodhue grandson, son of William Goodhue Deceased to receive one third: to pay heirs of William, to pay Marjery Knowlton, to pay Hannah Edward 1/2 share. One third to Joseph Goodhue grandson, son of William Goodhue Deceased to receive one third: to pay heirs of William, to pay Susannah Kimble, to pay Hannah Edward 1/2 share.
5 remaining shares [from where?] to heirs of William Goodhue Deceased (purchased shares of Elizabeth Eastie, Joseph Goodhue, Mary Norton, his double share, minus some dispersements during life) distributed to William Goodhue Eldest, Joseph Goodhue, Mary Tilton, Sarah Treadwell, Elizabeth Haskcoll, Hanna [Harle hewy?], Jonathan Hersy, Benj'a Goodhue.
20 Mar 1732[/33] Receipt of Joseph Edwards and Hannah Edwards for receipt of their share of Real estate set to mother Mrs Marcey Goodhew as her dower in Father Dea'n Joseph Goodhues Real Estate. 10 Mar 1737: receipt of Moses and Susannah Kimball.