Person:Margery Goodhue (2)

Please Donate
m. 13 Jul 1661
  1. Joseph Goodhue1662 - Bef 1687
  2. Mary GoodhueAbt 1664 -
  3. William GoodhueEst 1666 - 1722
  4. Margery GoodhueAbt 1668 - Bef 1706
  5. Sarah Goodhue1672 - 1726
  6. Susanna GoodhueAbt 1674 -
  7. Elizabeth GoodhueAbt 1676 - 1713
  8. John GoodhueAbt 1679 - 1752
  9. Child Goodhue1681 - Aft 1681
  10. Hannah Goodhue1681 - 1724
  • HThomas KnowltonCal 1668 - 1749/50
  • WMargery GoodhueAbt 1668 - Bef 1706
m. 2 Dec 1692
  1. Robert Knowlton1693 -
  2. Margery Knowlton1695 -
  3. Joseph Knowlton1697 - Bef 1760
  4. Deborah Knowlton1698 -
  5. Sarah Knowlton1699/00 -
  6. Abraham Knowlton1703 -
Facts and Events
Name[1] Margery Goodhue
Gender Female
Birth? Abt 1668 Ipswich, Essex, Massachusetts, United StatesBased on order named in father's probate
Marriage 2 Dec 1692 Watertown, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United Statesto Thomas Knowlton
Death? Bef 1706 Ipswich, Essex, Massachusetts, United StatesHusband remarried
  1. Source:Knowlton, George Henry. Errata and Addenda to Dr. Stocking's History and Genealogy of the Knowltons of England and America, p. 13, bothers to print a correction of her name from Marjery to Margery, but both, plus various other spellings (e.g., Margary) are seen in the records. One record in her father's probate even refers to her as Margerett Knowlton!