Person:William Goodhue (10)

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m. 13 Jul 1661
  1. Joseph Goodhue1662 - Bef 1687
  2. Mary GoodhueAbt 1664 -
  3. William GoodhueEst 1666 - 1722
  4. Margery GoodhueAbt 1668 - Bef 1706
  5. Sarah Goodhue1672 - 1726
  6. Susanna GoodhueAbt 1674 -
  7. Elizabeth GoodhueAbt 1676 - 1713
  8. John GoodhueAbt 1679 - 1752
  9. Child Goodhue1681 - Aft 1681
  10. Hannah Goodhue1681 - 1724
  • HWilliam GoodhueEst 1666 - 1722
  • WMary LowdenBef 1668 - 1729
m. Bef 1688
  1. Joseph GoodhueAbt 1701 - 1759
  2. Benjamin Goodhue1707 - 1783
Facts and Events
Name William Goodhue
Gender Male
Birth[1] Est 1666 Ipswich, Essex, Massachusetts, United States
Marriage Bef 1688 to Mary Lowden
Death[1] 10 Jul 1722 Ipswich, Essex, Massachusetts, United States
  1. 1.0 1.1 Ipswich, Essex, Massachusetts, United States. Vital Records of Ipswich, Massachusetts to End of the Year 1849. (Salem, Massachusetts: Essex Institute, 1910, 1919)
    Vol. 2, p. 570.

    GOODHUE, William, [died] July 10, 1722. [a. abt. 56 y. GR1]
    [Note: birth about 1666.]