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Margaret Catharine "Kittle" Cox Auvil (search) (explore) (copy)
pages: 94
Mr Thomas Christian I (search) (explore) (copy)
pages: 222
Nancy Bean Tree (search) (explore) (copy)
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Thanks for visiting my page : ) Catherine

"I don't know exactly what a prayer is.

I do know how to pay attention, how to fall down into the grass, how to kneel down in the grass, how to be idle and blessed, how to stroll through the fields, which is what I have been doing all day. Tell me, what else should I have done? Doesn't everything die at last, and too soon? Tell me, what is it you plan to do With your one wild and precious life?”

From "The summer day"; New and Selected Poems 1992 -- Mary Oliver
Hi, my name is Catherine dee Auvil, I live in the Pacific Northwest. Right now, I am mostly interested in the people who lived at Indian Creek, (now Tazewell) Virginia because I think I got my love of a river-side life from my 5th great-grandfather Thomas Bailey Christian, Indian Creek, and my grandfather Oscar (Entiat River). I have a study group for the people who lived at Indian Creek so contact me if you are interested in joining. My other projects - sorting out the Abel Able Aubel Auble Auvil family. SUMMER TIPIf you go to the menu at the top - My Relate > Dashboard > Edit Preferences then click the "editing" tab. Now check the box for "Prompt me when entering a blank edit summary" (last choice in list). This will make it so you can't save a page unless you have given a summary. I hope you liked that tip : ) --

HOT TIP: How to Enter Census Data for Newbies Nutshell - start typing the county, state, united states and the source should pop up

  • And for pros - if the source is not there (and it probably won't be) add it like this example: Jefferson, Alabama, United States. 1920 U.S. Census Population Schedule

FINDAGRAVE: use this format {{fgravemem|1075|George Washington}} in the record name box when you add Find a Grave as a source. Replace the number 1075 with the Find a Grave number. It will be the last thing written on their page. For Letitia Preston it is 5020133 and is written like this: Created by: Matthew Broyles Record added: Jul 11, 2000 Find A Grave Memorial # 5020133 Don't forget to replace George's name with your own subject! Use italics tags for a woman's maiden name. Letitia <i>Preston</i> Floyd

Embedding Google Maps

  1. Go to
  2. Click on "My Places"
  3. Create a new map, add the placemarks, and click "Done"
  4. Click on the "Link" icon in the upper-right corner of the My Places screen
  5. You may choose to Customize and preview your embedded map at this point
  6. Copy the link under Paste link in email or IM; do not copy the HTML under "Paste HTML to embed in website."
  7. Go to any WeRelate page and paste the link between googlemap tags like this: <googlemap>the link you copied from google</googlemap>
Additional parameters: If you want to change the size of the map, you can add height and width attributes to the googlemap tag; e.g., <googlemap height="300" width="400">...</googlemap>

here is the warning red flag if you need it. Use this code [[Image:Red Flag.jpg|20px]]

Cemeteries - choose cemetery in drop down and be sure to add Category:Cemeteries of county, state, united states|name of cemetery (copy place from title of page you just created)

Help:Guidelines for use of Wikipedia {{source-wikipedia|wikipedia page name}}


How We Are Using WeRelate

Our Indian Creek, Virginia study group has two projects going. 1. Catherine dee Auvil makes watercolor maps of important places to families or groups to better visualize the interaction between people and place. You can read about the map she made for the Indian Creek group, Important Places to Southeast Indians, at this blog post. She uses the "What links here?" option when reading about a location on WeRelate to find out who was born or married or passed on at each location in order to determine whether to include the place on a map. 2. Jo Spencer is working on producing a full-length feature film set in 1690 Virginia titled "Roots as Red as Blood" based on our research. She uses WeRelate to look up individuals and learn more about the details of their lives that she may include in her film. You can read more about her work at this blog.

Daniel Boone

This is an example of how I use WeRelate to enrich my hobby of reading history books. I have been reading books about Longhunter Daniel Boone. I went to his WeRelate page and clicked "What links here." I noticed that Enoch Smith links to Daniel Boone. I click on Enoch Smith. There is a reference that says that Enoch was a close friend of Daniel Boone. I look at Enoch's family. Oh, I see, he is the brother of Tennessee Senator Daniel Smith. I know who Daniel Smith is. He lived at Indian Creek, Virginia before moving to Tennessee. He was a close friend of Thomas Mastin of Indian Creek. They were neighbors. They were so close that they moved to Tennessee together and Thomas left his Tennessee estate to Daniel. I know who Thomas Mastin is because he adopted my 5th great grandfather Thomas Bailey Christian when his father was murdered. Reading about these connections enriches my life.

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Slavery and Servitude Washington D.C., Ex-Slave Pension Correspondence and Case Files, 1892-1922 $


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People who migrated New Jersey > Maryland > West Virginia

People who migrated Frederick, Maryland > West Virginia Person:Johann Hochwaerter (2) and then married into Person:Robert Johnson (131) family in west virginia