- My Trees
- AAA (search) (explore) (copy)
- pages: 45
- Benjamin and Elizabeth Coker of Barnwell, South Carolina (search) (explore) (copy)
- pages: 27
- Beth Test Tree (search) (explore) (copy)
- pages: 13
- Canterbury Family of Alabama (search) (explore) (copy)
- pages: 5
- Family of Beth Gay including surnames Canterbury, Carrell, Cloud, Coker, Coleman, Evins, Howard, Jones, Meadows, Morrison, Russell and Womack (search) (explore) (copy)
- pages: 380
- John Coker and Martha Doyal Coker Family (search) (explore) (copy)
- pages: 302
- John Wesley Coker (search) (explore) (copy)
- pages: 657
- Robert Coker and Sarah Miears Family (search) (explore) (copy)
- pages: 57
- Robert and Elizabeth Coker Family of Murray County, Georgia (search) (explore) (copy)
- pages: 696
- Thomas Coker family of South Carolina and Bibb County, Alabama (search) (explore) (copy)
- pages: 726
- William Coker and Jemima Crumpton Coker Family (search) (explore) (copy)
- pages: 9
- Users Researching
- Coker
- Gay
- User pages
- Beth/Coker Surname DNA Project
- Beth/Research Tips
- Beth/Robert and Elizabeth Coker family of Murray, Georgia
- Beth/Test
- Beth/Tips and Reminders
- Beth/To Do List
Family Research
My family research began about 1984. Some of my family lines are Carrell, Canterbury, Cloud, Coker, Coleman, Evins, Howard, Jones, Meadows, and Womack.
Currently working on the descendants of Henry Gay who died in the Isle of Wight, Virginia. My husband is from the Gay family.
Coker Surname DNA Project
I am the co-administrator of the Coker DNA site on the Family Tree DNA site.
Link title
Categories: United States | Virginia, United States | North Carolina, United States | South Carolina, United States | Georgia, United States | Alabama, United States | Mississippi, United States | Arkansas, United States | Texas, United States | California, United States | Oklahoma, United States | Isle of Wight, Virginia, United States