Person:Peter Looney (10)

Peter Looney
m. 11 Oct 1758
  1. Peter Looney1759 - 1851
m. Abt 1783
  1. Elisha Looney1784 -
  2. James Looney1785 - 1882
  3. Peggy LooneyAbt 1787 -
  4. Peter Pitman Looney1788 - 1851
  5. Jenny 'Amy' LooneyAbt 1791 - Bef 1851
  6. Nancy LooneyAbt 1794 -
  7. John C. Looney1797 - 1848
  8. Mary 'Polly' LooneyAbt 1802 -
  9. Mucissa Looney1805 - Aft 1880
m. Abt 1837
Facts and Events
Name Peter Looney
Alt Name Peter Luna
Gender Male
Birth? 1 Oct 1759 Augusta County, Virginia
Alt Birth? 1 Oct 1760 Augusta County, Virginia
Marriage Abt 1783 prob. Augusta County, Virginiato Mary Elizabeth Pitman
Marriage Abt 1837 to Elizabeth Hendrick
Alt Death? 11 Feb 1851 Marshall County, Tennessee
Death? 16 Feb 1851 Marshall County, Tennessee
Reference Number? 1965

Peter Looney (Luna) was one of the Early Settlers of Augusta County, Virginia


Welcome to
Old Augusta

Early Settlers
Beverley Manor
Borden's Grant

……………………..The Tapestry
Families Old Chester OldAugusta Germanna
New River SWVP Cumberland Carolina Cradle
The Smokies Old Kentucky


Military Service

American Revolutionary War Veteran

Revolutionary War Pension Information

Information from “Virginia/West Virginia Genealogical Data from Revolutionary War Pension and Bounty Land Warrant Records”, Vol. 3, compiled by Patrick G. Wardell, Lt. Col. U.S. Army Ret. :

Luna, Peter - entered service 1779 in Virginia, where resided on Holston River; moved to Davidson County, Tennessee, thence to Sumner County, Tennessee, then to Lincoln County, Tennessee, where granted Pension in 1832 age 73; resided in Marshall County, Tennessee; born in Botetourt [then Augusta*] County, Virginia, 10/1/1760. F-S1554, R1601.

  • - Note: Botetourt County was formed from part of Augusta County, Virginia in 1769.

Information on Peter Looney

Posted by Daniel K. Edwards at Genforum on Luna Board on April 2, 2000

For anyone interested in the Luna/Looney family, "Descendants of Peter Luna, 1759-1851" may be obtained from Jane C. Luna 1454 Santa Fe Pike, Columbia TN. 38401. ALSO of interest would be about Peter's grandfather, Robert Looney Sr., "Most Distinguished Characters on the American Frontier; Robert Looney, 1692-1770, of Augusta Co VA." recently written and published by Madge Looney Crane and her son, Phillip Crane. Contact them at RR. 1, Box 193, Waterford, OH., 45786.

ID: I0846 Name: Peter Luna Sex: M Birth: 1 OCT 1760 in Augusta Co. Virginia Death: 11 FEB 1851 in Marshall Co. TN Note: Posted by Daniel K. Edwards at Genforum on Luna Board on April 2, 2000

For anyone interested in the Luna/Looney family, "Descendants of Peter Luna, 1759-1851" may be obtained from Jane C. Luna 1454 Santa Fe Pike, Columbia TN. 38401. ALSO of interest would be about Peter's grandfather, Robert Looney Sr., "Most Distinguished Characters on the American Frontier; Robert Looney, 1692-1770, of Augusta Co VA." recently written and published by Madge Looney Crane and her son, Phillip Crane. Contact them at RR. 1, Box 193, Waterford, OH., 45786.

Father: Peter Grancer Looney b: 1734 in Philadelphia, PA, USA Mother: Margaret Lauderdale b: 1733

Marriage 1 Mary Pitman b: 1765 Children:

Elisha Luna b: 1784
James Luna b: 1785
Peter Luna b: 1788
Peggy Luna b: 1789
Jane Luna b: 1792
Nancy Luna b: 1795
John C. Luna b: 1798
Polly Luna b: 1802
  1.   Graves, William T. Southern Campaign Revolutionary War Pension Statements & Rosters.

    Pension application of Peter Luna S1554 f27VA
    Transcribed by Will Graves 11/1/13

    State of Tennessee Lincoln County: SS
    On this the 16th day of October 1832 personally appeared in open Court, before the Justices of the Court of Pleas and quarter sessions for the County and State aforesaid now sitting Peter Luna Senior a resident of the County & State aforesaid aged seventy-three years who being first duly sworn according to law doth on his oath make the following declaration in order to obtain the benefit of the Act of Congress passed June 7th 1832.
    That he entered the service of the United States under the following named officers, and served as hereinafter stated (that is to say), He entered the service of the United States as a volunteer at the Long Island of Holston in the State of Virginia under Captain Isaac Bledsoe, whose company was with several others under the command of Colonel Russell as well as he recollects – the particular day & month he does not recollect, on which he entered the service, = He volunteered at this time for a term of six months. [He] remained in service at the Long Island until sometime after the treaty at the long Island and acted as a guard during the time in which the treaty was concluded = the particular time at which he was discharged he does not recollect but it was in the year 1778 as well as he recollects, it was the same year in which the Treaty of Hot [word written through and illegible] at the long Island was concluded. He remained at Long Island during said term of six months as a frontier guard, = After he quit this service, he continued to act as occasion required without having entered into any regular service as a scouting party, until sometime in the year 1779 = at which time, he was called into service in Captain Anderson's Company for one month to guard Blackmore's Station, which term of service, he performed at said Station, after which term expired, he was relieved by another Company, = after this time he went to Cumberland River, and arrived at the place where Nashville stands two days before Christmas 1779 = and has lived in the Counties of Davidson, Sumner, Lincoln ever since – in which latter County he now lives =, He further states, that he went from Cumberland to Kentucky in the year 1782 as well as he recollects = and when arrived there orders head just been issued by Colonel Benjamin Logan for men to go against the Indians, he volunteered under Colonel Logan, and marched to the Blue Lick, but before they arrived Colonel McGary & Colonel Trigg who had gone on after the Indians, got defeated there and before they arrived the Indians were gone – they arrived at the Blue Lick in time to assist in burying the dead = which was about two days after the battle [August 19, 1782] =, He thinks he was out this time as well as he recollects two or three weeks, = He thinks this defeat was in the fall or summer of 1782, He has no documentary evidence of the service aforesaid, = his discharge he has lost, or destroyed. There is no person living by whom he can prove the service aforesaid for the term of six months, But for the term of one month at Blackmore's Station, he can prove his service by George Blackamore [sic, George Blackmore], who was in the Station at that time, as a drummer – this station was kept, built & named after his Father John Blackamore [sic, John Blackmore], = He was living about 15 miles above the long Island on Holston, at the time he first volunteered. He hereby relinquishes every claim whatever to a pension or annuity except the present = and declares that his name is not on the Pension Roll of any state in the Union, =
    Sworn to and subscribed in open court the day and year aforesaid
    S/ Robt. S. Inge, Clk.
    S/ Peter Luna

    Image:Signature of Peter Luna 1760-1851.gif

    I George Blackmore1 of the County of Lincoln & State of Tennessee do hereby declare on oath that he is acquainted with Peter Luna, the foregoing applicant for a pension, that he knew him at Blackmore's Station on Clinch [River], and that he served the term of one month at said station, as stated in the foregoing declaration, – that he was in the station at the same time, as a drummer, and recollects him well, and has known him ever since = they both came to Cumberland in the same year = and lived neighbors = with a few exceptions ever since.
    Sworn & subscribed this 16th day of October 1832
    S/ Robt. S. Inge, Clk
    S/ George Blackmore

    State of Tennessee Lincoln County: On this 20th day of September 1833 personally appeared in open Court before the Judge of the Circuit Court of said County now sitting, Peter Luna Senior a resident of said County & state aged about seventy-three years who being first duly sworn doth on his oath make the following additional declaration in order to obtain the benefit of the Act of Congress passed June seventh 1832.
    I was born in Botetourt County in Virginia on the first day of October 1760 according to the information derived from my mother, but I have no record of my age.
    I would refer for my character for veracity and revolutionary services to the Reverend Henry Talley and George Blakemore.
    Sworn to and subscribed the day & year aforesaid in open Court
    S/ James Bright, Clerk
    S/ Peter Luna

    [Henry Talley, a clergyman, and George Blackmore gave the standard supporting affidavit.]

    [p 12]
    State of Tennessee Marshall County
    This day personally appeared before me Asa Holland one of the acting Justices of the peace for said County Peter Luna senior and made oath that he entered the service as well as he recollects sometime between 1776 and 1780 though does not recollect the precise date. When he entered the service he lived about 15 miles above the long Island on Holston River though does not recollect the name of the County. He does not know whether the Counties was laid off or not. Isaac Bledsoe was the Captain he enlisted under. He thinks that Colonel Russell was the commander he served six months in his first tower [tour] he then became and Indian Spy, he served under several officers during his service he was at the battle of the long Islands of Holston though it was before he enlisted he was Commanded at that time by Captain William Coke, he continued in the service until after the Battle of Nickajack [the Nickajack Expedition was in 1794] and that he is on no other pension roll but present, and that he relinquishes all claims to all other Pensions or Annuities whatever.
    Sworn to and subscribed before me this 16th day of January 1846
    S/ Asa Holland, JP
    S/ Peter Luna

    [Veteran was pensioned at the rate of $25 per annum commencing March 4th, 1831, for service as a private for seven months and 15 days in the Virginia militia.]

    1 George Blackmore (Blakemore) W2558