Person:James Cathey (7)

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Capt. James Cathey
  • F.  Cathey (add)
m. Bef 1685
  1. Capt. James CatheyAbt 1685 - Bef 1757
  2. John Cathey1685 - 1743
  3. Mary CatheyEst 1690 -
  4. Sarah Cathey1697 - Bet 1765 & 1769
  • HCapt. James CatheyAbt 1685 - Bef 1757
  • WAnn Unknown
  1. John Cathey1709 - 1764
  2. William CatheyAbt 1711 - 1746
  3. Elizabeth CatheyAbt 1713 -
  4. Andrew CatheyAbt 1715 - Bet 1756 & 1768
  5. George Cathey, Esq.Abt 1716 - 1790
  6. Margaret CatheyAbt 1719 -
  7. Ann CatheyAbt 1721 -
Facts and Events
Name Capt. James Cathey
Gender Male
Birth? Abt 1685 Ulster, Northern Ireland
Marriage Prob. In Ulster, Northern Irelandto Ann Unknown
Death? Bef Jan 1757 Rowan County, North Carolina

James Cathey was one of the Early Settlers of Augusta County, Virginia


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Old Augusta

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Importation to Orange County, Virginia

The following persons appeared in Orange County, Virginia Circuit Court to claim "headrights":

  • 28 February 1739 - James Cathey, Ann, his wife; Wm, Elizabeth, Andrew, George, Margrot & Ann Cathey (from Ireland)

Early Land Records

From Chalkley's

Entry from "Hume's Old Field Book", containing early surveys for settlers:

  • 10 May, 1738. - (25) Survey for James Cathey, Cor. Wm. King, Cathey's Kreek. (Note: this survey may have been done for James, but this tract (adjoining William King) was actually granted to William Cathey, son of James Cathey)

Acquistion of Land in Augusta County:

  • James Cathey received a patent for 1,350 acres "on Middle River, Shanando River (Shenandoah) land beginning... John Givens line" on 13 August 1743, (as listed in the dispositions below). [Note: this may be the same land that was surveyed for James Cathey in 1738, listed above].

Distribution of Land from Orange County, Virginia Records:

  • Pg. 29-33. Indenture 8 Jan. 1745 between James Cathie of Augusta County and Andrew Cathie, son of James Cathie of same... for five shillings... sells 625 acres of land on Middle River, Shanando Riv. in Augusta County... part of tract containing 1,350 acres granted by pattent dated 30th Aug 1743 to James Cathie... land beginning... John Givens line... (signed) James Cathie (seal) Witnesses: Thos. Lewis, Silas Hart, James Blear. Release recorded 23 May 1745... payment of ₤20. [Orange County Virginia Deed Book 10, pg. 33]
  • Pg. 209-212. Indenture 24 July 1745 between James Cathey of county of Augusta and Patrick Crawford of same.. lease and release for ₤170.. sold tract containing 675 acres, part of a tract of land of 1,350 acres granted to James Cathey by Pattent 13 August 1743.. Record at the Secretary's Office of this Colony.. lying in Augusta County, both sides of the Shannando River.. bounded by John Givin's land.. land of said Story... (signed) James Cathey (seal). Witnesses: Thomas Lewis, Andrew Lewis, James Robertson. Recorded Orange County 6 September 1745. [Orange County Deed Book 10, pg. 48].

Records in Orange County, VA

  • James Cathey was listed as having a debt to John Calvert in his estate records, 23 May 1740, Orange County, Virginia. [Orange County Virginia Will Book 1, 1735-1743, Dorman, pg. 24-25].
  • James Cathey witnessed the will of Samuel Givens, written 22 October 1740, proved 28 May 1741. [Orange County Virginia Will Book 1, 1735-1743, Dorman, pg. 30].

Records in Augusta County, VA

From Chalkley's:

  • Page 482.--21st April, 1748. £20. Francis Kirkley, of Orange County, to Jno. Anderson, farmer, 400 acres on a draft of North River of Shanandoe called the Long Glade joining James Anderson's and James Cathey's Teste: Silas Hart, John Anderson, Geo. Anderson, James Anderson, Francis Kirkley. Acknowledged, 18th May, 1748.
  • 1742 - COPIES OF MUSTERS OF AUGUSTA COUNTY. - William Beverley, Esq., County Lieutenant; James Patton, Colonel; Capt. John Smith, No. 1; Capt. Andrew Lewis, No. 2; Capt. John Buchanan; No. 3; Capt. James Cathey, No. 4; Capt. John Christian, No. 5; Capt Sam Gay, No. 6; Capt. Peter Sheul (Scholl), No. 7; Capt. James Gill (First Burgess), No. 8; Capt. John Willson, No. 9; Capt. Hugh Thompson, No. 10; Capt. George Robinson, No. 11; Capt. John McDowell, No. 12.
  • Heare followeth a list of all the Muster (?) of Augusta County under their respective officers and Captains:
Capt. James Cathey's List: James Cathey, Captain; John Given, John Case, Andr. Case, Will Brown, David Logan, John Case, Sam Case, Thos. Stephenson, David Stephenson, John McClewer, Joseph Hanna, John Frame, Hugh Camble, Michel Dickey, Nichel Leeper, Sam Hues, Rob. Craig, Wm. Monson, William Johston, James Givens, David Nelson, Rob. Koney, James Fowler, Edw. Givens, James Case, George Anderson, Nathan Underwood, George Anderson, James Scott, Andr. Cathey, Francis Raley, John McCown, John King, Robert Joweter, Rob Brown, Rob. McDowell, Wm. Hains, James Allan, Jams. Chambers, Sam Givens, Thos. Lander (Lauder), Archabel Hamilton. (Note: Andrew Cathey listed in the list above was the son of James Cathey).
  • AUGUST, 1750. - 1737.--James Cathey to Samuel Smith, debtor: September 22. 1736.
  • AUGUST, 1750 (C). - Samuel Smith vs. Beaty.--Mr. Michael Woods, formerly of Paxtunk, Pennsylvania. Account dated 1733. Thomas Renich, on 1st September, 1750, deposed: About 8 years ago, at his own house, he saw and spoke with said Smith and Robert Buchanan, the then Sheriff of Lancaster County. He heard Smith (then merchant at Connoy) say, &c., several accounts: Smith vs. James Cathey, 1737; Smith vs. Adam Thomson, 1736-7-8; Smith vs. William Robinson, 1739; Smith vs. Richard Woods, 1738; Smith vs. Mrs. Margaret McDowell, 1737; Smith vs. Mrs. Mary McDowell, 1737; Smith vs. Michael Woods, 1738-9; Smith vs. John Maxwell; Smith vs. Samuel Woods, 1734-5-8; Smith vs. Francis Beaty, 1735-6; Smith vs. John Christian, 1737; Smith vs. Robert Christian, 1733-4-5-6 Smith vs. Randell McDaniel; Smith vs. William Hutchinson; Smith vs. George Hutchinson. All sworn to by Samuel Smith, late of County of Lancaster, before a Justice, in Philadelphia, 13th October, 1743. (Note: this record apparently places James Cathey in Lancaster County, PA in 1737).
  • NOVEMBER 18, 1752. (379) James Cathey vs. Thomas Storey } Genl. Ct. sets aside the non suit and cause certified to Genl. Court.
  • Page 122.--21st March, 1753. Alexander Gibson to James Reburn, 1753, 79-1/2 acres on Moffet's Creek of Cathey's River, below John Davison's land. Teste: John King, John Archer, David Trimble.

Will of James Cathey

James Cathey made his Will in Rowan County on 5 Dec 1756.
In the name of God amen the 6th Day of December 1756 I James Cathey of the County of Rowan farmer being aged sick and weak in Body but of perfect mind and memory thanks be given unto God therefor Calling unto mind the mortality of my body and knowing that it is appointed for all men once to dye Do make and ordain this my Last Will and testament that is to lay princbaly and first of all I give and Recommend my Soul unto the hands of God that give it and my Body I Recommend to the Earth to be Buried in Decant Christian Burial at the discretion of my Executors nothing doubting but att the general Reserction I shall receive the same again by the mighty power of God and as touching such worldly estate wherewith it hath pleased God to bless me in this life I give devize and dispose of the saim in the following manner and form.
Impremis I give and bequeth to Ann Cathey my Dearly Beloved Wife the half of the plantation that I now live on with half of the Mill during hir natural life and att her deceas I order it to John Brandon my nephew to him and his hars for ever and further more I give unto my Wife three cows and three calves, plow, Whiteface and Lonely with one grayhound? and all the household etc of to hir and hir heirs for ever. Item. I give and Bequeth unto my well beloved nephew John Brandon an one gray mear now living att (illeg) to him and his heirs. Item I give to Margat Cathey daughter to my son George one three year old hefer to hir and hir heirs forever. Item I give to Ann Cathey daughter to my son Andrew one three year old hefer to hir and her heirs forever. Item I give to John Kilpaterck one matar? And one axe to him and his heirs for ever. Item I give to my well beloved son John Cathey and George Cathey and Andrew Cathey and Margat Coburn and Ann Bashford all reast of my moveble estate to be equally divided among them to them and their ears for ever and I likewise constitute (illeg) and ordain my son John Cathey and my son George Cathey my solde Executors of this my Last Will and testament and I do hereby utterly disavow revoke and illeg all and every other named Willis and Bequethed redefining and confirming this one no other to be my Last Will and testament. In witness thereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the and eyar above written. Signed sealed and published promissed and declared by the said James Cathey to be his last will and testament in the presence of us the subscribers James Cathey
Thomas Basford
James* Gillespie (or *Tomas Gillespie)
Daniel McPeters
The Will was proven in January 1757, so James Cathey had died by then. (Rowan Co, NC Will Book A page 50).

Information on James Cathey

From the Web Page of Marty Grant (

James Cathey (c1685) of Ulster, Ireland, Cecil Co, MD, Chester Co, PA, Augusta Co, VA and Rowan Co, NC

I (Marty Grant) am a 8th Great Grandson of James Cathey and Ann (---).

For a thorough account of James and his family, I refer you to Boyt Cathey’s excellent book "The Cathey Family History and Genealogy, Volume I (1700-1900)", 1993.

James Cathey was probably born in Ulster, Ireland (Northern Ireland) sometime in the late 1600's. The first public record known for him is dated 1724 when he sells some land, so he had to be at least 21 then, so born before ca 1703. However, he is the proven father of several children who were born in the 1700-1720 general time-frame. This means that James was likely born in the 1680's or before. In the Cathey Book he is listed as born ca 1685 which works for me.

I don't know who James Cathey's parents were, but he had several likely siblings: John Cathey (d 1743), Sarah Cathey Givens (wife of Samuel Givens), and probably others.

James married Ann — before ca 1710, probably in Ulster. I have seen no record, nor even a hint of what Ann’s maiden name might have been.

James and Ann Cathey left Ulster for America, probably ca 1720 or thereabouts. They settled first in Cecil County, Maryland, and later moved to Chester County, Pennsylvania (by 1724).

The first record I have for James is a Cecil County, Maryland deed dated 5 Dec 1724 where James Cathey of Chester Co, PA sold 75 acres to John Hogshead of Cecil Co, MD. I don’t know when exactly James acquired this land, but the deed history included in the deed started in 1719, so he must have acquired it between 1719 and 1724. ("The Cathey Family History and Genealogy, Volume I (1700-1900)", 1993 page 296).

By 1739, James and his family had moved to Augusta County, Virginia. They lived in the area just west of present day Staunton. At that time Augusta County was still unorganized, so public business was handled by neighboring Orange County, Virginia.

An "importation" record dated 28 Feb 1739 shows that James Cathey, Ann, his wife and William, Elizabeth, Andrew, George, Margaret and Ann Cathey were imported into Virginia (this is like a passport or something). (Orange County, Virginia Record Book II page 109).

James Cathey was named as an adjoining land owner in a Patent dated 24 Mar 1740/1741 in Orange County, Virginia. The patent was to Francis Kirkley for 400 acres in Orange County "called Augusta", on branch of North River, Shannondo (Shenandoah) called the Long Glade, adjoining James Anderson and James Cathey. (Virginia Land Patents Book 18 page 932).

James was mentioned again in another land patent dated 30 Jul 1742. This was a Patent to John Carr for 400 acres in Orange County, Virginia "to be called Augusta, on both sides of Cathey’s River adjoining Beverly Mannor adjoining James Cathey and James Carr. (Virginia Land Patents Book 20 page 354).

On 30 Aug 1743, James Cathie received a Land Patent of 1,350 acres in Orange County, on west side of Blue Ridge on "Shanandore" River, adjoining John Givings, John Ker and said Cathie. (Virginia Land Patents Book 21 page 451).

James Cathey was mentioned as a neighboring land owner in a Patent dated 12 Jan 1746/1747 in Augusta County, Virginia. The Patent was to Robert Davis for 300 acres on West Side of Blue Ridge with line of Beverly Mannor adjoining James Cathey. (Virginia Land Patents Book 25 page 279).

Sometime before 1752 the Catheys moved to Rowan County, North Carolina. Depending on when they arrived, it was still part of another county. The area was Bladen County until 1750 when Anson County was formed. Rowan County was created in 1753.

I don’t know when Ann Cathey died, but someone years ago gave me "1761" as her death date, but I don’t know what the source for that is.

Children James and Ann had seven children, proven by several records, including James’ Will of 1756. The 1739 importation record names six of the children: William Cathey, Elizabeth Cathey, Andrew Cathey, George Cathey, Margaret Cathey and Ann Cathey (in that order), suggesting that all of them were single at that time, and still living with their parents. Son John was not named then, for her was probably already married then. The 1756 Will names five children: John Cathey, George Cathey, Andrew Cathey, Margaret Cathey Coburn, and Ann Bashford. William was not named for he died in 1746. Daughter Elizabeth was not named, so perhaps she was dead also.

John Cathey (c1709)
William Cathey (c1711)
Elizabeth Cathey (c1713)
Andrew Cathey (c1715)
George Cathey (c1717)
Margaret Cathey (c1719)
Ann Cathey (c1721)

William Cathey was born ca 1711 (guess) in Ulster, Ireland. He is a proven child of James as named in James’ 1739 importation record. When he died his land holdings were divided up among his siblings.

He never married, and he died in 1746 in Augusta Co, VA.

Elizabeth Cathey was born ca 1713 (guess) in Ulster, Ireland. She was named in the 1739 importation record as coming into Augusta Co, VA with James and Ann Cathey. She was not named in James’ 1756 Will, so she may have died before then.

Andrew Cathey was born ca 1715 (guess) in Ulster, Ireland. He is a proven child of James as named in James’ 1756 Will.

Andrew Cathey married someone before ca 1740 in Augusta Co, VA.

George Cathey was born ca 1717 (guess) in Ulster, Ireland. He is a proven child of James as named in James’ 1756 Will.

George Cathey married Margaret — before ca 1743 in Augusta Co, VA.

Margaret Cathey was born ca 1719 (guess) in Ulster, Ireland. She is a proven child of James as named in James’ 1756 Will. She was also named in the 1739 importation record.

Margaret Cathey married a Mr. Coburn sometime before 1756. Other researchers give his name as Samuel Coburn. I have not attempted to prove this.

Ann Cathey was born ca 1721 (guess) in Ulster, Ireland. She is a proven child of James as named in James’ 1756 Will and in the 1739 Importation record.

Ann married a Mr. Bashford before 1756 in Rowan Co, NC. There was a Thomas Bashford who witnessed her father’s Will. Perhaps he was her husband.

Other researchers show that Ann married William Brandon first, then Thomas Bashford, then later a Mr. Troy. I have not attempted to confirm any of this yet.

Register Report

1. James1 Cathey , born 1680/89 in Ulster, Ireland; died Jan 1757 in Rowan Co, NC, son of (---) Cathey . He married abt 1708 in Ulster, Ireland Ann (---) , born in Ulster, Ireland; died 1761 in Rowan Co, NC.

Children of James Cathey and Ann (---) were as follows:
2 i. John2 Cathey , born abt 1709 in Ulster, Ireland; died abt Feb 1764 in Rowan Co, NC. He married Jean (---) .
3 ii. William2 Cathey , born abt 1711 in Ulster, Ireland; died 1746 in Augusta Co, VA.
4 iii. Elizabeth2 Cathey , born abt 1713 in Ulster, Ireland; died bef 1756.
5 iv. Andrew2 Cathey , born abt 1715 in Ulster, Ireland; died 1756/68 in Berkeley Co, SC. He married (---) ? .
6 v. George2 Cathey Esquire , born abt 1717 in Ulster, Ireland; died bef 1790 in Burke Co, NC. He married Margaret (---) .
7 vi. Margaret2 Cathey , born abt 1719 in Ulster, Ireland; died in Mercer Co, KY. She married bef 1756 in Rowan Co, NC Samuel Coburn , died in Mercer Co, KY.
8 vii. Ann2 Cathey , born abt 1721 in Ulster, Ireland. She married (1) William Brandon ; (2) Thomas Bashford ; (3) (---) Troy .