
  • How do I get rid of all this space??? Scroll down to see the prize :)
  • It's the widths. It can't fit the table at width=100% because of the ads on the side, so it resorts to moving everything below the ads. If this gets placed on a page without ads, we can probably keep the widths at 100%. I think the other thing are the tables in the templates. I think the table code should be here, and only the text is placed in the template - like the Featured Page template.--Jennifer (JBS66) 06:24, 5 February 2009 (EST)
  • I did a bit more tweaking over here - I really didn't want to mess this page up!! What I did was contained everything in one table rather than multiple tables.

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The source review project is almost done with phase one which was begun on August 4, 2008 and involved manually reviewing 120,000 online sources! Read more about this project here.

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  1. Go to
  2. Click on "My Places"
  3. Create a new map, add the placemarks, and click "Done"
  4. Click on the "Link" icon in the upper-right corner of the My Places screen
  5. You may choose to Customize and preview your embedded map at this point
  6. Copy the link under Paste link in email or IM; do not copy the HTML under "Paste HTML to embed in website."
  7. Go to any WeRelate page and paste the link between googlemap tags like this: <googlemap>the link you copied from Google</googlemap>
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