Help:Entering a Family on WeRelate tutorial

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Image:Register ready3.jpg

Image:Register screen - filled in.jpg

If you received your confirmation email and clicked on the link in the email you should now be able to sign in. Sign in and let's get started.

Starting Your Family Tree

Signed in. Fantastic.

  • Click on the My Relate tab in the upper left menu bar and select Trees.

Image:Myrelate tree menu.png

  • Select launch FTE.

Image:Manage trees menu.png

  • Do you have a gedcom to import? Select no.

Image:Import gedcom.jpg

  • Start your tree. Select the X.

Image:Start your tree.jpg

  • Now lets have some fun and add person and family pages to our tree. Do you have your list ready? I want to add Rev. Robert M. Cunningham, D.D.
    • To add a person, click on Add in the upper right menu bar. Next, click on Person from the drop down menu.

Image:Add person menu.png

  • If you notice, I didn't add in his prefix (Rev), middle initial (M), his suffix (D.D.), or a second given name. This is because I can add these pieces of information later.

Image:Add Person Screen.jpg

  • Oops! I almost forgot to search to see if Rev. Cunningham already has a page on WeRelate. Did you forget? This is a Wiki; and there should be only one person page for Rev. Cunningham.
  • Fortunately for you and I, when you click on the Add Person button, WeRelate automatically checks for similar pages. Lets check the results; I hope that the guidelines were followed for entering person and family pages; so that I can find his page if he already has one.

Image:Add Person Results.jpg

  • Now we can add the title, middle initial and suffix for Robert Cunningham. Add the birth date, birth place and death date for your person, if you know them.

Image:Person page edit fields.png

  • At the bottom of the editing page select: show preview. If your details were entered correctly select: save page. Here is the image of Robert Cunningham's page.

Image:Robert Cunningham3.jpg

  • You may use the pipe symbol to change how your place displays on the page. Use the description field to add any additional information.

Image:Robert Cunningham Places.jpg

  • This is the image of the new page after the place edits.

Image:Robert Cunningham Places2.jpg

  • Let's add a source citation.

Image:Robert Cunningham Source citation1.jpg

Image:Source Citation1.jpg

  • Our next step is to select our source type. Mine was a book, so let's select book for now.

Image:Find add source page1.jpg

  • Next, enter in the information that you know about your source.

Image:Find add source page2.jpg

  • Once you do that, click on the find/add page button for your results.

Image:Find add source page3.jpg