Person:Alexander Boyd (17)

Lt. Alexander Boyd, Paymaster of Virginia Regiment
b.Bef 1738
d.Bef 21 Aug 1766 Augusta County, Virginia
  • F.  Boyd (add)
m. Bef 1738
  1. Lt. Alexander Boyd, Paymaster of Virginia RegimentBef 1738 - Bef 1766
  2. Andrew Boyd1745 - 1820
Facts and Events
Name Lt. Alexander Boyd, Paymaster of Virginia Regiment
Gender Male
Birth? Bef 1738
Death? Bef 21 Aug 1766 Augusta County, Virginia

Alexander Boyd was one of the Early Settlers of Augusta County, Virginia


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Early Land Acquisition in Augusta County, VA

Acquisition of Land from Chalkley's:

  • Page 446.--19th August, 1760. James Campbell and Lettice ( ) to Alex. Boyd, Lieutenant and paymaster to the Virginia Regiment, £430, 400 acres on waters of Roanoke, patented to James, 12th February, 1758, on Goose Creek. Delivered: Alex. Love, October, 1762.
  • Page 88.--15th September, 1760. James Huston and Agness to Alex. Boyd. £50, 140 acres on Back Creek of Roanoke at Turkey Bottom. Teste: John Neill. Archibald Brycers. Delivered: Alex. Love, October, 1762.
  • Page 230.--18th February, 1761. William Thompson, of Spring Hill, to Alexander Boyd, gentleman, paymaster to the Virginia Regiment. Whereas, Mathias Yoackum, of Bedford County, yeoman, on November, 1760, constituted William his attorney to convey to Alexander 267 acres, £100, 267 acres on the river. Delivered: Alex. Love, October, 1762.
  • Page 87.--16th November, 1762. Richard Pearis and Rhoda, of Frederick County, to Alexander Boyd, of the Virginia Regiment, £50, 1/2 of a tract containing acres in upper part of Dunger Bottom, conveyed by John Miller to said Richard Pearis and a certain John Smith, August, 1762. Delivered: Alex. Love, November, 1763.

Disposition of Land from Chalkley's:

  • Page 40.--28th November, 1764. Alex. Boyd, merchant in Augusta County, to Alex. Baine, merchant in Virginia, to secure payment of £1092.9.5, and to secure him as surety for Boyd, to James Lyle, merchant of Chesterfield, on account of Boyd, on North Fork of Roanoke called Stanton River, and sometimes by name of Roanoke River, 1200 acres, 400 acres thereof purchased from James Campbell and Lettes, his wife, oaks on Goose Creek, 100 acres more thereof purchased from same, crossing Crooked Run, 98 acres patented to Alexander Boyd, 30 acres more, part thereof, on Roanoke, patented to Alexander Boyd, 14th February, 1761; corner James Campbell, 267 acres, part thereof purchased from Mathias Yoakam, 305 acres thereof, entered on Augusta surveyor's book, and surveyed by Wm. Preston, one of the surveyors of said County. The aforesaid tracts adjoin and the plantation thereon, well known by the name of Fort Lewis. Conveys also 5 negroes. Mortgage. Teste: Wm. Watts, Alex. Love, David Ross, Charles McPherson.

Estate Records

From Chalkley's:

  • Page 462.--21st August, 1766. Andrew Boyd's bond (with Andw. Lewis, Wm. Preston, Robt. Breckinridge, Wm. Ingles, Benj. Hawkins, David Robinson) as administrator of Alexander Boyd.
  • Page 467.--25th September, 1766. Alexander Boyd's estate appraised, by Francis Smith, Wm. Bryan, James Roberts.
  • Vol. 1 - AUGUST 21, 1766. - (216) A paper endorsed by Alexr. Boyd, deceased, as a true copy of his will, and is adjudged by the Court not to be the original, and Andrew Boyd qualifies administrator.
  • Vol. 1 - AUGUST 25, 1766. - (249) Alexr. Boyd's death abates suit.
  • Vol. 1 - MARCH, 1768 (D). - Estate of Alexander Boyd vs. Joshua McCormack, North Fork.

Records in Augusta County, VA

From Chalkley's: [unless otherwise listed]

  • Vol. 1 - MARCH, 1758 (A). - Cochran & Donald vs. Laverty & Steward & Co.--Bond 1752. Ralph Laverty, Jones Steward, James McKoy and John Stevenson. Test., Alexr. Bain, Thomas Buchanan, Alexr. Boyd.
  • Vol. 1 - OLD PAPERS. - Mathias M. Youcam, of Bedford County, to William Thompson--power of attorney to convey 267 acres whereon Mathias formerly dwelt, joining land lately possessed by James Campbell, on Roanoke River, to Alex. Boyd, Paymaster to the Virginia Regiment. Dated, 16th November, 1760.
  • Vol. 1 - MARCH 19, 1762. - (206) Thomas Brown, breaking the store house of Alexr. Boyd. Acquitted.
  • Page 564.--20th July, 1763. John Sallord, in Augusta County, and late Lieutenant in the Virginia Regiment, to Alex. Boyd, late of the Virginia Regiment, £90, slave and horses. Teste: Jas. FAcler, John Bowman. Delivered to Mr. Boyd, June, 1765.
  • Vol. 1 - SEPTEMBER, 1763 (B). - Walter and Samuel Cowdon vs. Rev. Davis Calmer, late of Virginia Regiment.--Attachment, 23d March, 1762. Alexander Boyd, paymaster, summoned as garnishee.
  • Vol. 1 - SEPTEMBER, 1763 (B). - McClenachan vs. Calmer.--Rev. Mr. Davis Calmer was chaplain of the Virginia Regiment. Attachment issued against him 23d March, 1762. Alexander Boyd was a Commissioner to settle accounts with the soldiers and was ordered not to pay Calmer.
  • Vol. 1 - SEPTEMBER, 1763 (B). - McClenachan vs. Calmer.--I promise to pay, &c., unto John McClenachan, &c., £9, 16, 7, Virginia currency, &c. 29th December, 1761. (Signed) D. Calmer. Test: Alex. Love. This day came the plaintiff, by his attorney and the defendant being called and not appearing, Alex. Boyd, gent., a garnishee in this cause, appeared and on oath declared that at the time of serving this attachment in his hands there was due from the Country to the defendant, as Chaplain of the Virginia Regiment, two months' pay, amounting to £20, but that on settling his accounts with the Commissioners appointed for that purpose he was ordered not to pay it, whereupon the plaintiff produced the defendant's note of hand for £9, 16, 7. Judgment is therefore granted the plaintiff versus the said defendant for the same and costs. And it is ordered that the aforesaid sum of £20 in the hands of the garnishee, Boyd, be condemned, and it is further ordered that the Sheriff sell (one sword and see particulars) in the hands of Robt. McClenachan, a garnishee formerly sworn in this cause, who also made oath that the defendant was indebted to him £8, 10, 0, and that after paying the said Robt. McClenachan his debt aforesaid he pay the remainder, if any, to the plaintiff in part satisfaction of his judgment and costs, and that he have executed versus the garnishee, Alex. Boyd, for the residue.
  • Vol. 2 - FEE BOOKS OF AUGUSTA COURT - 1764-- page 64, Alex. Boyd, Hampshire.
  • Vol. 1 - JUNE, 1764 (C). - Alexander Boyd vs. William Hutcheson.--Petition, 27th February, 1764. Defendant lately came from Frederick and lives not far from town.
  • Vol. 1 - MARCH, 1765 (A). - Boyd vs. McDonald.--1763. Mr. James McDonald, in account with Alexander Boyd. July 14th. Mr.James McDonald. Sir: Above is your account with me which I desire you'll pay to the bearer, William Buttler. Pray fail not and oblige. Your obedient servant, Alexander Boyd. Fort Lewis, 13th August, 1764.
  • Vol. 1 - MAY, 1765 (A). - Alexander Boyd vs. Alexander Sayers.--Writ, 28th March, 1765.
  • Vol. 1 - AUGUST, 1767 (C). - McCall vs. Boyd's Administrator.-- To Mr. Henry Mitchell, merchant, in Fredericksburg: Alexanderia, 6th September, 1764.
Mr. Henry Mitchell.
Sir:--The last time I saw Mr. McCaul he told me he was just about leaving the Country, and he having a note of hand of mine amounting to £96, 2, 6, which I could not then discharge any part of, and as you have the direction of his affairs, you'll please receive under cover £10, 15, 0, and two orders, one on Mr. James Mercer for £2, 18, 6, due me by his brother, the Colonel, and another, £20, 0, 0, which I'll receive at the next sitting of the Assembly, it being for two months' pay of Person Cotuners, that was attached, for which I never received. You have likewise another order for £22, 10, 0, and interest, for some years due me from Squire Brown, which Mr. Truble included in with a bond of his, and he promised to pay it at the October Court, and make no doubt of your getting it then, or soon after. The balance of £4, 2, 0, you'll receive (if not already paid) from Mr. William Scott, which he owed me. As Mr. McCaul's account against me is for medies. and billiards, he desired I might not put myself to any kind of inconvenience till it suited me. You may depend, however, that I'll endeavor to contrive the balance as soon as lies in my power. My bad fortune in that way has been of great prejudice to me. When it is convenient your acknowledging the receipt of this by way of Staunton--and direct for me--merchant at Fort Lewis, in Augusta County, will be acceptable.
I am, sir, your very humble servant.
(Signed) Alex. Boyd.
  • Vol. 1 - AUGUST, 1767 (C). - Monteath & Co. vs. Boyd's Administrators.--Mr. Alexander Boyd, Dr, to Glasgow Tanwork Company.
  • Vol. 1 - NOVEMBER, 1767 (B). - Cabell vs. Boyd's Administrator.--Account with signature Sam. Jordan.
  • Vol. 1 - MAY, 1768 (A). - Boyd vs. Levy Smith.--Defendant lives at New River.
  • Vol. 1 - MARCH, 1768 (D). - Estate of Alexander Boyd vs. Joshua McCormack, North Fork.
  • Vol. 1 - MARCH, 1768 (D). - Anderson & Co. vs. Alexander Boyd.--Defendant was of New London, in Colony of Virginia.
  • Vol. 1 - MARCH, 1768 (D). - Joshua McCormick (North Fork) Dr., to Boyd's Estate. Account, 1766,


  • Vol. 1 - MARCH, 1768 (E). - Dr. Robert Brown of Henrico vs. Alexander Boyd.--Account for medicines and attendance, 1764-5.
  • Vol. 1 - MARCH, 1768 (E). - Alexander Boyd Estate vs. Jacob Brown, No. Fork Roanoke.--Account,
Same vs. David McGee, North Fork.--Account.
Same vs. Thomas Goodson, South Fork.
  • Vol. 1 - MARCH, 1768 (E). - Brown vs. Boyd.--1764. Dr. Mr. Alexander Boyd, to Robert Brown. Shop account. Medicine account. Henrico Sc.--Dr. Robert Brown made oath before me that Alexander Boyd died indebted to him, etc., 10th September, 1766. (Signed) Philip Mayo.
Dr. David McGee, North Fork, to Estate of Alexander Boyd.
Alexander Forbes, Dr., to Estate of Alexander Boyd.--Credit by Mrs. Margaret Robinson.
Mathew Ralstone, Dr., to Stephen Trigg.--Account, 1766-1767.
Dr. Jacob Brown, North Fork, to Estate of Alexander Boyd.--1767.
  • Vol. 1 - MARCH, 1768 (E). - Jones vs. Hughes.--Winchester, November 11, 1763. Dear Sir:--I have settled with Mr. Heath, but to my great grief have not been enabled to discharge the balance due you on account of the deceased debtor, Johnson. As that money should by no means have been detained, I will take it as a singular favor if you'll be easy in the affair, as it will not be beneficial to the estate and troublesome to you to bring suit, and you may depend I'll have it discharged ere you could recover it by law. I am extremely obliged to you for keeping it secret, as I would by no means have it made public. If you would share (spare) the money to the estate, I'd gladly pay you interest for your money, and most gratefully acknowledge myself unfeignedly, dear sir, your most obliged humble servant. (Signed) Alexander Love (for Alexander Boyd). To Lieut. William Hughes, Winchester.
  • Vol. 1 - MAY, 1768. - Alexander Boyd Estate vs. Wm. Moor, Craig's Creek.--1766, June 7. To 6 bushels hemp seed, £3, 0, 0.
  • Vol. 1 - MAY, 1768 (A). - Boyd vs. Morrise.--John Morrise. 1766, February 4th; 1767, March 10th; June 10, cash; September 14th. Sworn to by Andrew Boyd, administrator of Alexander Boyd, 18th May, 1768.
Boyd vs. Levy Smith.--1766. October 15th.
Boyd vs. Peter Stephens.--Sundries, 1766, November 11th, November 20th; 1767, March 4th, April 2d.
Boyd vs. William Dougherty.-Sundries. 1766, February 2d, May 23d, September 30th; 1767, August 1st, to Henry Paulin; August 22. Contra: 1766, September 30th, by 72° ginzang root, 2/6d; 2 3/4 deerskins, 4/.
Boyd vs. John McFawl, Jr.--Sundries. 1766, March 17, April 4, June 8.
  • Vol. 1 - AUGUST, 1768 (C). - Boyd vs. Benj. Polson.--1766, November 14.
  • 1770, Jan 31 - Johnston v. Andrew Boyd (Botetourt) bror. and heir of Alexr. Boyd and Alexr. Baine. 400. acres on Goose cre. or Roanoke Botetourt patd. by Jas. <, Start deletion,Campbell, End,> Patton Feb. 12. 1752. q. r. See post Mar. 19. Documents of Thomas Jefferson
  • Vol. 1 - MARCH, 1770 (D). - Alexander Baine vs. Alexander Boyd's administrator.--Writ issued 19th August, 1767. In 1764 Alexander Boyd mortgaged land and slaves to Alexander Baine, orator. Alexander Boyd died intestate and administration was granted to Andrew Boyd, his brother and heir-at-law. Land lay on branch of Roanoke River called Staunton River.