Old Augusta Maxwell Tapestry



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Maxwell Tapestry

……………………..The Tapestry
Families Old Chester OldAugusta Germanna
New River SWVP Cumberland Carolina Cradle
The Smokies Old Kentucky


There are two primary lines of Maxwell's in Old Augusta. One line traces descent from person:John Maxwell (88), who testified to his self importation about 1740. This John, referred to here by the by-name "The Oath Taker" settled on Beverley's Manor, and later moved to Botetourt, at least as his lineage is commonly understood. This John had a son John, who in turn may have had a son Joh. Some of the records for John the Oath Taker may in fact be records for his son, leading to considerable disagreement as to some of the specifics of both their lives.

The other line traces descent from Person:Bazaleel Maxwell (2) who settled in what is now Albemarle County about 1750. He is sometimes identified as the son of JOhn Maxwell the Oath Taker, but there is no direct documentation that supports this view, and YDNA evidence, though limited, contradicts this possibility. There are numerous "Bazaleel Maxwells" both in Albemarle and in various locations along the Tapestry migration route. They are almost certainly related to Bazaleel (2), but their exact relatonships to the line are sometimes confused.


Line of Bazaleel (2)Line of John (88)Unplaced
Person Notes Old Chester Old Augusta New River Carolina Cradle Southwest VA Kentucky Smoky Mountain Elsewhere
NewCastle-Cecil Chester Lancaster Cumberland U. James Albemarle

Person:John Maxwell (88) The Oath Taker <1740 <1739-1786?

Person:John Maxwell (89) son of John (88) 1740-1786?
Person:James Maxwell (55) "Great White Chief", son of John (89) bc1745-c1772 1772-d1820
Person:Audley Maxwell (9) brother? of John (88) 1738-

Person:Bazaleel Maxwell (2)
=Rebecca Boyd ?1726-* c1750-1808
Person:Bazaleel Maxwell (3) son of Bazaleel (2)
Person:John Maxwell (93)


son of Bazaleel (2) -d1798
Person:Robert Maxwell (49)


NOT son of Bazaleel (2) b1723 -1798
Person:William Maxwell (42)


son of Bazaleel (2)

person:James Maxwell (67) son of Bazaleel (2)

Person:Thomas Maxwell (30) son of Bazaleel (2)
Person:Bazaleel Maxwell (1) Son of John Maxwell and Francis Garner b1751-? c1774-c1785? c1785-? Died in Indiana, 1828
person:David Maxwell (12) Possible son of Bazaleel (2) -1794

*Documentation needed