- My Trees
- Arthur Jax immigrant to Rhode Island (search) (explore) (copy)
- pages: 39
- Bath KY study (search) (explore) (copy)
- pages: 39
- Ben Jax_Mary Rushing (search) (explore) (copy)
- pages: 11463
- Benj Jackson of Rensselaer (search) (explore) (copy)
- pages: 735
- Benjamin Jax by Gay Nix (search) (explore) (copy)
- pages: 40
- Bethune (search) (explore) (copy)
- pages: 47
- David & Abigail by Janet (search) (explore) (copy)
- pages: 15831
- David Jackson and Jane of Overton TN (search) (explore) (copy)
- pages: 246
- David Jackson and Patty Batchelor (search)
- pages: 0
- David Jax Prudence Hathaway (search) (explore) (copy)
- pages: 4329
- Desc Samuel Jax_Marg Cree (search) (explore) (copy)
- pages: 167
- Farmer of Tennessee (search)
- pages: 0
- Geo Jax Lucinda Houghton (search) (explore) (copy)
- pages: 55
- GroupT Henry Jackson (search) (explore) (copy)
- pages: 360
- Henry Hall (search) (explore) (copy)
- pages: 126
- Henry Leonard (search) (explore) (copy)
- pages: 15
- Jacks Zephaniah Jax (search) (explore) (copy)
- pages: 193
- Jackson in Tennessee (search) (explore) (copy)
- pages: 145
- Jackson_Coonrod (search) (explore) (copy)
- pages: 140
- James Jax of Spinans (search) (explore) (copy)
- pages: 80
- James Norman (search) (explore) (copy)
- pages: 40
- Jane_Trimble_KY_031709 (search) (explore) (copy)
- pages: 594
- Jax_Henthorn (search) (explore) (copy)
- pages: 42
- Jeptha Nightser (search) (explore) (copy)
- pages: 58
- John G Jax Immigrant (search) (explore) (copy)
- pages: 101
- John Jackson of Loudoun Virginia (search) (explore) (copy)
- pages: 46
- Josiah Jax Ruth Steer (search) (explore) (copy)
- pages: 2
- KesiahJacksonWright (search) (explore) (copy)
- pages: 172
- Kimble & Yoaks FFinder (search) (explore) (copy)
- pages: 2
- Lampson of Morris Co (search) (explore) (copy)
- pages: 66
- Marion County WV study (search) (explore) (copy)
- pages: 175
- Norman (search) (explore) (copy)
- pages: 380
- Old Augusta (search) (explore) (copy)
- pages: 167
- Peter Hoff Jackson (search) (explore) (copy)
- pages: 191
- Pocahontas WV (search) (explore) (copy)
- pages: 122
- Robert Jackson of Hempstead (search) (explore) (copy)
- pages: 31513
- Robt Jackson_Fredericksburg VA (search) (explore) (copy)
- pages: 81
- Robt Jax & Mary Ann Henthorn (search) (explore) (copy)
- pages: 86
- Rockville_Greenfield Cem (search) (explore) (copy)
- pages: 501
- Samuel Jackson and Rachel Doty (search) (explore) (copy)
- pages: 151
- Samuel P Jax of KY (search) (explore) (copy)
- pages: 26
- Small bits (search) (explore) (copy)
- pages: 987
- Study Jax of Wood Co. (search) (explore) (copy)
- pages: 922
- Virginia Project (search) (explore) (copy)
- pages: 1496
- Wetzel County Jacksons (search) (explore) (copy)
- pages: 68
- Wm Ireland Jemima Jax (search) (explore) (copy)
- pages: 116
- Wm Jax Cassandra Garrison (search) (explore) (copy)
- pages: 2
- Users Researching
- Jackson
- Lynn
- User pages
- Janiejac/About pages - examples & types
- Janiejac/Archive 2012-13
- Janiejac/Archive 2014 & 2015
- Janiejac/Constructing Samuel's PWC pages
- Janiejac/Glossary
- Janiejac/Jackson in Alabama census
- Janiejac/Janie's Articles
- Janiejac/Janie's Index
- Janiejac/Janie's Instructions & Examples
- Janiejac/Jonathan Hughes and Abigail Jackson Timeline
- Janiejac/Jonathan Hughes and Abigal Jackson Timeline
- Janiejac/Links to Janie's Articles or Shared Research Pages
- Janiejac/Notebook of Samuel Jacksons in PWC
- Janiejac/Other Misc Bits & Pieces North Carolina
- Janiejac/Tables
- Janiejac/Wiki Help
- Janiejac/instructions for Shared Research Pgs
Hi! I'm Janie Jackson Kimble. Since February 2005 until sometime in 2019 I had a web site dedicated to the descendants of Robert Jackson of Hempstead, Queens County, New York. The purpose is to bring together all the known descendants of the Jackson men and down to the third generation of the Jackson women. The only reason I have limited the data on the Jackson women is to help focus my time and energy on the Jackson line. The site has had a tremendous amount of help and contributions from many folks who have generously contributed their family data and research. But as I aged, I felt it better to pass along my database to a younger cousin, Jerry Gross who has since maintained the database on his [1] web site. All are welcome to come explore Jerry's site as there are a LOT of other pages in addition to the raw data.
Bits and pieces of other Jackson info will be posted here which is not necessarily of the Hempstead line. But I post it as I find it just as a way to keep this information available.
The family tree of David Jackson and Jane Carlock Unknown that I have uploaded here at WeRelate is an effort to learn more of the descendants of these folks, hoping to connect to a living Jackson male descendant willing to participate in the Jackson DNA Project. (As of 2011, this has been done!! David Jackson and Jane of Overton County, Tennessee are not related to the Hempstead line of Jacksons!) Jackson researchers have discovered DNA to be a very helpful tool in determining which branch of Jacksons a descendant is connected to. DNA by itself won't tell a participant where he is connected but can let him know which branch he should be looking into to find his ancestors. More about this is posted on my web site mentioned above. This Jackson DNA Project is for ALL Jacksons, not for just my line of Jacksons.
Janiejac 20:11, 15 June 2007 (MDT) edited 21 Nov 2020
Categories: Prince William, Virginia, United States | North Carolina, United States | Nassau, New York, United States | West Virginia, United States | Illinois, United States | Kentucky, United States | Tennessee, United States | Fayette, Pennsylvania, United States | Virginia, United States