Person:Daniel Ladd (1)

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m. 27 Oct 1614
  1. Joseph Ladd1612 - Bef 1683
  2. Daniel Ladd1614 - 1693
  • HDaniel Ladd1614 - 1693
  • WAnn Unknown1619 - 1693/94
m. 1639
  1. Elizabeth Ladd1640 - 1700
  2. Daniel Ladd1642 - 1728
  3. Lydia Ladd1645 - 1696
  4. Mary Ladd1645/46 -
  5. Samuel Ladd1649 - 1698
  6. Nathaniel Ladd1651 - 1691
  7. Ezekiel Ladd1654 - Aft 1718
  8. Sarah Ladd1657 -
Facts and Events
Name[16] Daniel Ladd
Gender Male
Birth? 1614 Dartmouth, Devon, England
Immigration? 24 Mar 1633 From Dartmouth, Devon, England|from Dartmouth, Devon, England to Massachusetts on the ship Mary and John
Other? Bef 1637 Ipswich, Essex, MAMove
Marriage 1639 Salisbury, Essex, Massachusetts, United Statesto Ann Unknown
Other? 1645 Haverhill, Essex, MAMove
Other? 1648 Salisbury, Essex, MAMove
Other? 28 Mar 1648 Freeman [EQC 1:139].
Residence? 1668 Haverhill, Essex, Massachusetts, United States
Education? Signed his name by mark
Occupation? Dealer in Land
Occupation? Farmer
Occupation? Husbandman
Occupation? Village Selectman
Death[16] 27 Jul 1693 Haverhill, Essex, Massachusetts, United States
Burial? Jul 1693 Haverhill, Essex, Massachusetts, United StatesPentucket Cemetery
  1.   Guide to the Early Settlers of America
    page 310.
  2.   Hoyt, David W. The Old Families of Salisbury and Amesbury, Massachusetts. (Providence, RI, 1897-1919)
    pages 228-229.

    1 DANIEL1 LADD, of Salisbury and Haverhill, "husbandman," recd. land in S. in the "first division" and in 1640; m. Ann (???), who d. Feb. 10, 1694[Hv]. He came to this country in the "Mary and John" of London, 1633; was at Ip. in 1637; at S. in 1639; settled in Hv. bef. 1646; d. July 27, 1693[Hv]; will proved Jan. 9, 1694-5. Children:
    2 I ELIZABETH,2 b. Dec. 11, 1640[S]; m. May 14, 1663[Hv], Nathaniel Smith. 3 II DANIEL,2 b. Sep. 26, 1642[S]; m. Nov. 24, 1668[Hv], LYDIA2 SINGLETARY (Richard1); res. Hv.; served in King Philip's war, 1676; oath al. Nov., 1677; rep. 1693-4. No chil. 4 III LYDIA,2 b. June 8, 1645[S]; m. May 15, 1669, (3) JOSIAH2 GAGE. 5 IV MARY,2 b. Feb. 14, 1646-7[Hv]; m. July 31, 1682[Nb], Caleb Richardson of Nb. 6 V SAMUEL,2 b. Nov. 1, 1649[Hv]; m. Dec. 1, 1674, MARTHA2 CORLISS. + 7 VI NATHANIEL,2 b. March 10, 1651-2[Hv]; m. July 12, 1678, Elizabeth Gilman. + 8 VII EZEKIEL,2 b. Sep. 16, 1654[Hv]; m. Nov. 30, 1687[Hv], Mary Folsom (Samuel); oath al. at Hv. Nov., 1677; res. Hv., Exeter, and Stratham, N. H. Chil. b. at Hv.: Lydia,3 b. Feb. 18, 1688; Mary,3 b. Jan. 17, 1690; a child,3 b. May 6, 1693; Nathaniel,3 b. Nov. 12, 1695. 9 VIII SARAH,2 b. Nov. 4, 1657[Hv]; m. Dec. 8, 1685[Hv], Onesiphorus Marsh, Jr.

  3.   Pope, Charles Henry. Pioneers of Massachusetts (1620-1650): A Descriptive List, Drawn from Records of the Colonies, Towns and Churches. (Boston: The Author, 1900)
    page 275, 1900.

    LADD, Daniel, husbandman, came in the Mary and John March 24, 1633. Settled at Ipswich; propr. Feb. 5, 1637. Rem. to Salisbury; husbandman; propr. 1639. Rem. to Haverhill before 1648. Wife Ann; ch. Elizabeth b. Nov. 1, 1640, (m. Nathaniel Smith,) Daniel b. July 6, 1642, Lydia b. 8 (8) 1645, (m. Josiah Gage,) Mary b. Feb. 14, 1646, (m. Caleb Richardson,) Samuel b. Nov. 1, 1649, Nathaniel b. March 10, 1651, Ezekiel b. Sept. 16, 1654, Sarah b. Nov. 4, 1657, (m. Onesiporus Marsh). The widow Ann d. Feb. 10, 1693-4. [Reg. XXXVIII, 345.]
    He d. July 27, 1693. Will dated Jan. 30, 1692, prob. Jan. 9, 1694-5, beq. to wife; referred to deeds of land he had given to his ch.; beq. to son-in-law Josiah Gage. Admin. gr. to son Daniel.

  4.   Charles Edward Banks. Topographical Dictionary of 2885 English Emigrants to New England 1620-1650
    page 21, 1930.
  5.   Http://

    Family tradition asserts that the name of Ladd is of French origin, and that it has existed in England from the time of the conquest (1066). The name comes from Le Lade, which was undoubtedly the original French spelling. The name Ladd is peculiar to county Huntingdon.Daniel Ladd was from Wiltshire, England and according to family tradition, Daniel's father, Nathaniel, was from Dartmouth, in Devon. Daniel took the required oath of allegiance in order to sail in the ship `Mary and John', which left London on March 24, 1633-4, with Robert Sayres, master. The ship landed at Nantasket in Boston Harbor. He did not settle permanently in Dorchester, as did most of his fellow passengers. Instead he went to Ipswich where in 1637 he was granted six acres of land, upon which he erected a dwelling. In 1644 he sold his property there to Henry Kingsbury. Earlier on October 29, 1639, Daniel was one of the first settlers of Salisbury, Massachusetts, where he was granted one or more acres for a house lot, and four acres for planting purposes. He shortly afterward went to Haverhill, Massachusetts, with eleven others, and was one of the first settlers of that town, and resided there until his death. On 7 September 1640 he was granted 2 acres of meadow.Daniel owned and cultivated several farms and was very prominent among the original proprieters. In 1646 he was taxed forty pounds, and in 1659 was granted permission with Theophilus Shatwell to erect a saw mill on Spigott (Spicket) river. In 1668 he was one of the selectmen, and at the breaking out of King Phillip's War (1675) he and others were appointed to designate what houses should be garrisoned.Daniel's son, Nathaniel, was implicated in Gove's Rebellion against Governor Cranfield. He was examined on December 6, 1683 by Judge Barefoot, who accepted the surety of friends for his future good behavior, and was never brought to trial. He was a constable in 1688. In the summer of 1690 he volunteered in the New Hampshire contingent of an expedition fitted out in Massachusetts to protect the settlers in Maine from the aggression of the Indians. Nathaniel was severely wounded in a fight with Indians at or near Cape Elizabeth(Maquoit). He returned to Exter, where he eventually died from the effects of his injuries.Source: Noyes, Libby and Davis. Genealogical Dictionary of Maine and New Hampshire.Sterns, Ezra. Genealogical and Family History of the State of New Hampshire.Ladd, Warren. The Ladd Family. 1890

  6.   Warren Ladd of New Bedford. The Ladd Family, a Genealogical and Biographical Memior of the Descendants of Daniel Ladd, of Haverhill, Mass., etc.. (Edmund Anthony and Sons, New Bedford, Mass., 1890)
    pages 11-13, 1890.
  7.   Rogers, Lowell Lincoln. The ancestors and descendants of Veranus Brownell: itinerant Methodist preacher. (Webster, N.Y.: Printed by the Anco Art Press, 1931, 176 pgs.)
    pp. 127-129, 1913.
  8.   Torrey, Clarence Almon. New England Marriages Prior to 1700. (1963).

    LADD, Daniel (-1693) & Ann _____ (-1694); by 1640; Ipswich/Salisbury {Newell Anc. 164; Reg. 37:406, 38:345, 62:256; Blake-Glidden 152; Gage (1908) 5; Cushing (ms) 183; Ruggles 37; Folsom 21; Ladd (1953) 1+; Brownell Anc. 127; EIHC 43:60, 68:93}

    -Newell Anc. Emery, William Morrell, Newell Ancestry, The Story of the Antecedents of William Stark Newell (Boston: privately printed, 1944)

    -Blake-Glidden Sumner, Edith (Bartlett), Ancestry of Edward Wales Blake and Clarissa Matilda Glidden with Ninety Allied Families (Los Angeles, 1948)

    -Cushing (Ms) Fuess, Elizabeth Goodhue, "Cushing and Allied Families" (Andover, Mass., 1931), typescript

    -Ruggles Ruggles, Henry Stoddard, The Ruggles Family of England and America (Boston: T.R. Marvin & Son, 1893)
    Ruggles (1896) Bailey, Franklin Ladd, The Genealogy of Thomas Ruggles of Roxbury, 1637, to Thomas Ruggles of Pomfret, Conn., and Rutland, Vt. The Genealogy of Alitheah Smith, of Hampton, Conn., the Wife of Thomas Ruggles (Boston, 1896)
    Ruggles (1902) [Morris, Tyler Seymour], Ruggles Genealogy (excerpt from Tucker Genealogy) (n.p., 1902)

    -Folsom Chapman, Jacob, A Genealogy of the Folsom Family: John Folsom and His Descendants (Concord, N.H.: Republican Press Assoc., 1882)

    -Ladd (1953) Ladd, Samuel Appleton Jr., The Ladd Family. . . .(Brunswick, Me., [1953], typescript)
    -Brownell Anc. Rogers, Lowell Lincoln, The Ancestors and Descendants of Verans Brownell, Itinerant Methodist Preacher ([Webster, N.Y.: The Anco Art Press, 1931])

  9.   Daniel Ladd, in Anderson, Robert Charles; George F. Sanborn; and Melinde Lutz Sanborn. The Great Migration: Immigrants to New England, 1634-1635. (Boston, Massachusetts: NEHGS, 1999-2011)
    Volume IV 'I-L', 2005.

    ORIGIN: Unknown. MIGRATION: 1634 on the Mary & John (on 24 March 1633/4, “Daniel Ladd” was enrolled at Southampton as a passenger for New England on the Mary & John [Drake’s Founders 70]).
    FIRST RESIDENCE: Ipswich. REMOVES: Salisbury 1640; Haverhill 1646.

    BIRTH: By about 1615 (based on estimated date of marriage).
    DEATH: Haverhill 27 July 1693.
    MARRIAGE: By 1640 Ann _____. She died at Haverhill on 10 February 1693/4.

  10.   The New England Historical and Genealogical Register. (Boston: New England Historic Genealogical Society)
    Vol. 3, p. 55, 1849.

    "Daniell lad" listed on the first or original list of townsment of Salisbury, MA

  11.   The New England Historical and Genealogical Register. (Boston: New England Historic Genealogical Society)
    Vol. 6, Page 346, 1852.

    Early settlers of Essex and Old Norfolk. Daniel Ladd buys land of Wm. Compton 1662. Samuel m. daughter of Wm. Corliss. Daniel, wf. Ann 1654; both also in 1678; Daniel Jr. and wife Lydia same yr; Samuel, son of Daniel, sen., m. ___ Corlis, dau of George C.

  12.   The New England Historical and Genealogical Register. (Boston: New England Historic Genealogical Society)
    Volume 8, Page 159, 1854.

    Early Settlers of Salisbury. LADD, Daniel, wf. Ann. Ch. Elizabeth 11 10 40. Daniel 26 7 42. Lydia 8 4 45.

  13.   Sumner, Edith Bartlett. Ancestry of Edward Wales Blake and Clarissa Matilda Glidden : with ninety allied families. (Los Angeles, Calif.: unknown, 1948|||(Ann Arbor, Mich. :, 326 pgs.)
    Page 152, 1948.
  14.   The New England Historical and Genealogical Register. (Boston: New England Historic Genealogical Society)
    Volume 9, Page 267, 1855.

    Listed among those who took the oath to go to New England on the Mary and John on 24 Mar 1633

  15.   Savage, James. A Genealogical Dictionary of the First Settlers of New England: Showing Three Generations of Those Who Came Before May, 1692, on the Basis of Farmer's Register. (Boston: Little, Brown, and Co, 1860-1862)

    LADD, DANIEL, Ipswich, came in the Mary and John, 1634, by tradit. call. s. of Nathaniel, was one of the first townsmen of Salisbury, a. 1639, but, perhaps, not long there, and bec. perman. inhab. of Haverhill aft. b. of one or two ch. By w. Ann he had Elizabeth b. 11 Dec. 1640; Daniel, 26 Sept. 1642; Lydia, 8 June 1645; the three being on rec. at S.; Mary, 14 Feb. 1647; Nathaniel, 10 Mar. 1602; Ezekiel, 16 Sept. 1654; and Sarah, 4 Nov. 1657. Both he and his w. were liv. 1678. Elizabeth m. at Haverhill, 14 May 1663, Nathaniel Smith. Part of the fam. tradit. that Nathaniel, f. of Daniel was from Dartmouth, in Devon, may be reasona. eno. at least it bears no inherent improb. as the more fondly desir. clause of the story does, that he was one of the first comers to Plymouth; for that phrase belongs only to those wh. arr. in the yrs. 1620, 1, and 3, of wh. was no Ladd; and minute inquiry even shows, there was nobody in either of the three passeng. lists with that bapt. name. DANIEL, Haverhill, eldest s. of the preced. m. 24 Nov. 1668, Lydia Singletary, was rep. 1693, and 4. EZEKIAL, Haverhill, br. of the preced. took o. of fidel. 28 Nov. 1677. JOHN, m. at Woburn, 12 June 1678, Elizabeth Fifield. JOSEPH, Portsmouth, R. I. whose will of 1669 names ch. Joseph, William, Daniel, Mary, and Sarah. NATHANIEL, Exeter, s. of the first Daniel, erron. said to be from Scotland, or Devonshire (perhaps tradit. thot. these adjoin. towns), m. 1678, Elizabeth Gilman, was mort. wound. 11 Aug. 1691 at Maquoit, left w. and seven ch . His gr.s. capt. Daniel fell in bat. with the Ind. 12 Aug. 1746 at Concord, N. H. SAMUEL, Ipswich, s. of the first Daniel, m. a d. of George Corliss

  16. 16.0 16.1 Daniel Lad, in Haverhill, Essex, Massachusetts, United States. Vital Records of Haverhill, Massachusetts, to the End of the Year 1849. (Topsfield, Mass.: Topsfield Historical Society, 1910)

    Lad, Daniel, h. Ann, [died] July 27, 1693.

Mary and John (1634)
This Mary and John, to be distinguished from the 1630 voyage, sailed in early 1634. The passenger list is somewhat more certain by virtue of lists of oathtakers dated 24 and 26 Mar 1633/4, but it does not cover the entire list.
Sailed: late Mar 1633/4 from Southampton, England under Master Robert Sayres
Arrived: June? 1634 at Boston, Massachusetts Bay Colony

~75 (Full List)
Thomas Avery - William Ballard - John Bartlett - George Browne - Richard and Edith Browne - William Clarke - Robert Coker - Thomas and Anna Cole - Nicholas Easton - Philip Fowler and family - William Franklin - Matthew Gillett - John Godfrey - William and Anne Hibbens - Richard Jacob - Stephen Jurden - Richard Kent and family - Richard Kent - Robert Kingsman - Daniel Ladd - Richard Littlehall - John Luff - Henry Lunt - John Marshe - William Moody and family - Abraham Mussey - John Mussey - Joseph Myles - Robert Neuman - William Newbey - John Newman - Thomas Newman and family - James Noyce and family - Nicholas Noyce - Christopher and Margery Osgood - Thomas Parker - Joseph Pope - Richard Reynolds - Robert Sever - Thomas Savery - William Savery- Henry Shorte - John Spencer- William SpencerThomas Sweete - William Trace - Henry Traske - Henry Travers - Adrian Vincent- Thomas West - John Wheeler and family - William White - John Woodbridge

Resources: Primary Sources:
Other information: passenger list