Person:Unknown de Poitiers (1)

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_____ De Poitiers
m. Bet 966 and 971
  1. _____ De PoitiersAbt 961 - 1056
  2. Ermengarde de MaconEst 968 - Aft 1018
  3. Beatrice de MâconAbt 974 - 1005
Facts and Events
Name _____ De Poitiers
Alt Name _____ De Macon
Gender Female
Birth? Abt 961 Reims, Marne, France
Alt Birth? 970 Mâcon, Saône-et-Loire, France
Other Speculative child: Ebles I de Roucy (1)
with Gilbert of Roucy
Alt Death? 995 Reims, Marne, France
Death? 1056
Questionable information identified by WeRelate automation
To check:Born before parents' marriage
  1.   Stuart, Roderick W. Royalty for Commoners. (Genealogical Publishing Company, 1992, 2nd ed.)
    p. 127.