Person:Sylvester Lynde (2)

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m. 1796
  1. Sylvester Bernard Lynde1800 - 1883
m. 1822
  1. Louisa LyndeEst 1823 -
  2. Charles Alfred LyndeEst 1825 - 1912
  3. Amanda Lynd1827 - 1892
  4. Jabez Lynde1828 - 1864
  5. Magdalene LyndeEst 1830 -
m. 14 Mar 1843
  1. Maria Lynde1844 - 1917
  2. Selena Araminta Lynde1846 - 1931
  3. Sylvester Bernard Lynde1852 - 1946
  4. Frances Lynde1854 -
  5. Alice Maude Lynde1856 - 1936
  6. Clarissa Lynde1860 -
  7. Robert James Lynde1863 -
  8. Frederick W Lynde1866 -
Facts and Events
Name Sylvester Bernard Lynde
Gender Male
Birth[1][2] 1800 Brookfield, Worcester, Massachusetts, United States
Marriage 1822 Whitby (township), Ontario, Ontario, Canadato Louisa Mary Smith
Marriage 14 Mar 1843 Pickering, Ontario, Ontario, Canadato Frances Phillips
Census[1] 12 Jan 1852 Whitby (township), Ontario, Ontario, CanadaCensus of Canada West 1851-2
Census[2] 14 Jan 1861 Whitby (township), Ontario, Ontario, CanadaCensus of Canada West 1861
Census[3] 2 Apr 1871 Whitby (township), Ontario, Ontario, CanadaCensus of Canada 1871
Census[4] 4 Apr 1881 Whitby (township), Ontario, Ontario, CanadaCensus of Canada 1881
Death[5][6] 19 Mar 1883 Whitby (township), Ontario, Ontario, Canada
Burial[5] Whitby, Ontario, Ontario, CanadaUnion Cemetery, Whitby

The surname Lynde has been found with many variations in spelling, particularly in the early censuses.

From notes found in the website of the Whitby Online Historic Photographs Collection (

Jabez Lynde (1773-1856) was born in Brookfield, MA. He married Clarissa Woodruff (1774-1830) in 1796. In 1803 Jabez and Clarissa emigrated to Canada, settling at the area now known as Lynde Creek in 1804.
Sylvester Bernard Lynde (1800-1883), eldest son of Jabez and Clarissa, married Louisa Mary Smith in 1822 and moved north to lot 32 on Conession 4, Maple Dell Farm. The couple had five children: Louisa, Charles Alfred, Jabez, Amanda, and Magdalene. [Louisa Mary, commonly known as Louey, died in 1831.] Sylvester was remarried in 1843 to Frances Phillips (1822-1895). They had eight children.

Some sources state that Sylvester was born in Madison, New York State, rather than in Brookfield, Massachusetts.

The Whitby Online Historic Photographs Collection contains a photograph of Sylvester and Frances Lynde.

  1. 1.0 1.1 United Province of Canada. 1851 Census of Canada. (Ottawa, Ontario, Canada: Library and Archives Canada)
    C-11742, page 239, line 32ff, 12 Jan 1852.

    District of Ontario County, Division of Whitby, Canada West
    Sylvester Lynd, farmer, b USA, 52, m, m
    Frances Lynd, b New Brunswick, 29, f, m
    Maria Lynd, b Upper Canada, 8, f, s
    Selena Lynd, b Upper Canada, 5, f, s

  2. 2.0 2.1 Canada. 1861 Census of Canada. (Ottawa, Ontario, Canada: Library and Archives Canada)
    C-1058, page 13, line 16ff, 14 Jan 1861.

    District of Ontario County, Division of West Whitby, Canada West
    Sylvester Lynds, m, 61, m, farmer, b US
    Frances Lynds, f, 39, m, b New Brunswick
    Mariah Lynds,, f, 17, s, b Upper Canada
    Selena Lynds,, f, 14, s, b Upper Canada
    Sylvester Lynds, m, 9, s, b Upper Canada
    Frances Lynds, f, 7, s, b Upper Canada
    Alles Lynds, f, 5, b Upper Canada
    Clara Lynds, f, 3, b Upper Canada
    Mary Phillips, f, 71, w, b New Brunswick

    Mary Phillips, listed last in the household, was the mother of Frances Lynde Phillips, named in this family tree as Mary Bailey.

  3. C-9974 District 48, SubDistrict 1, Division 1, page 56, family 198, in Canada. 1871 Census of Canada. (Ottawa, Ontario, Canada: Library and Archives Canada)
    2 Apr 1871.

    District of Ontario South, SubDistrict of West Whitby, Division 1, Ontario, Canada
    Sylvester Lynde, m, 71, m, b Ontario, farmer
    Frances Lynde, f, 48, m, b Ontario
    Mariah Lynde, f, 26, s, b Ontario
    Sylvester Lynde, m, 18, s, b Ontario
    Frances Lynde, f, 16, s, b Ontario
    Alles Lynde, f, 14, s, b Ontario
    Frank Lynde, m, 12, s, b Ontario
    Sylvester Lynde, m, 10, s, b Ontario
    Clarry Lynde, f, 12, s, b Ontario
    Ruben Lynde, m, 8, s, b Ontario
    Fredrick S Lynde, m, 5, s, b Ontario

    Frank Lynde, aged 12, and Sylvester Lynde, aged 10, were sons of Jabez Lynde, who was a son of Sylvester Bernard Lynde by his first marriage. Jabez Lynde and his wife Margaret Tweedie both died in 1864, leaving their children as orphans. Margaret Tweedie's mother Jane lived on a neighbouring farm to the Lyndes. Jabez and Margaret's children spent the rest of their childhood with their grandparents.
    Ruben became Robert on subsequent censuses.

  4. Canada. 1881 Census of Canada. (Ottawa, Ontario, Canada: Library and Archives Canada)
    C-13244 District 132, Sub District b, Division 2, page 18, family 79, 4 Apr 1881.

    District of Ontario South, SubDistrict of West Whitby, Division 2, Ontario, Canada
    Silvester Lynde, m, 81, b US, farmer, married
    Frances Lynde, f, 58, b NB, married
    Silvester B Lynde, m, 28, b Ontario, single
    Clara Lynde, f, 22, b Ontario, single
    Fredrick Lynde, m, 14, b Ontario, single
    Louisa Philips, f, 30, b Ontario, single
    Selena Philips, f, 28, b Ontario, single

    Louisa and Selena Phillips were nieces of Frances Lynde,

  5. 5.0 5.1 A photograph of Sylvester Lynde's gravestone in Union Cemetery is to be found in the Whitby Online Historic Photgraphs Collection ( The notes state that the monument was photographed (and possibly designed) by S B Lynde's youngest son, Frederick Lyonde, and was erected in 1919. The inscription reads
    ::Sylvester Bernard Lynde 1800-1883
    ::his wife Frances 1822-1895 buried at Tara, Ontario
  6. Reported as 19 Mar 1883 in Whitby by a contributor to Ancestor family trees. Not found in death registrations.