Person:Clarissa Woodruff (1)

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Clarissa Woodruff
b.24 May 1774 United States
Facts and Events
Name Clarissa Woodruff
Gender Female
Birth[1] 24 May 1774 United States
Marriage 1796 United Statesto Jabez Lynde
Immigration? 1803 Pickering, Ontario, Ontario, Canadafrom Massachusetts through New York State
Death[1] 31 Dec 1830 Pickering, Ontario, Ontario, Canada
Burial[1] Pickering, Ontario, Ontario, CanadaHicksite Burial Ground of the Society of Friends

From notes found in the website of the Pickering-Ajax Digital Archive ( [This url has changed once, and the new url appears to have changed again--it was a dead link on 6 Mar 2022.]

  • Jabez Lynde (1773-1856) was born in Brookfield, MA. He married Clarissa Woodruff (1774-1830) in 1796. In 1803 Jabez and Clarissa emigrated to Canada, settling at the area now known as Lynde Creek in 1804. [see also here ]
  • Lynde Creek and Maple Dell Farm are both in the Township of Pickering.
  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Pickering-Ajax Digital Archives (Canada)
    Cemetery Records (section of website) [1].

    Clarissa wife of Jabez Lynde deceased 31st of 12th mo 1830 aged 56 y'rs 7 mo & 7 d's./Transcription of gravestone in the Hicksite Burial Ground of the Society of Friends located in the Town of Ajax in Pickering Township.

  2.   Presumably the birthdate is calculated from the age at death. Of note, in Barbour records for Winchester, Connecticut, on 4 Jul 1773 Hawkins Woodruff m. Lois Hills, and on 24 May 1774 their daughter Clary was born. See also, Woodruff Genealogy, p. 69.