Person:Martha Hazard (2)

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Martha Hazard
b.Abt 1668
m. Bet 1658 and 1659
  1. Thomas Hazard1659 - Bef 1746
  2. Stephen HazardBet abt 1662 & 1665 - 1727
  3. George HazardAbt 1665 - Bef 1743
  4. Mary HazardAbt 1666 - Bef 1698
  5. Martha HazardAbt 1668 - Bef 1753
  6. Robert HazardAbt 1672 - Bef 1718
  7. Jeremiah Hazard1675 - 1768
  8. Hannah HazardAbt 1677 -
  • HThomas Wilcox1663/64 - Bef 1728
  • WMartha HazardAbt 1668 - Bef 1753
m. 17 May 1710
  1. Robert Wilcox - Bef 1760
  2. Thomas Wilcox - Bef 1760
  3. Abraham Wilcox - Aft 1793
  4. Stephen Wilcox
  5. Jeffrey Wilcox - Bef 1760
  6. Edward Wilcox
  7. Hannah WilcoxAbt 1715 - 1801
  8. George Wilcox - Bet abt 1760 & 1761
Facts and Events
Name Martha Hazard
Gender Female
Birth? Abt 1668
Marriage 17 May 1710 to Thomas Wilcox
Will[1] 18 Oct 1743 Exeter, Washington, Rhode Island, United States
Death[1] Bef 9 Jan 1753 Exeter, Washington, Rhode Island, United StatesWill proved
  1. 1.0 1.1 Abstracts of Exeter Wills, in Rhode Island Genealogical Register. (Princeton, Massachusetts: A. G. Beaman)

    Martha Willcox of Exeter, widow. Will dated 18 Oct 1743, proved 9 Jan 1753, pps. 152-154.
    Sons: Robert Willcox, Stephen Willcox, Jeffery Willcox, Thomas Willcox, George Willcox, Edward Willcox and Abraham Willcox
    Daughter Hannah Place
    Exor: Thomas Sweet of North Kingstown
    Witnesses: Samuel Thomas, Tabitha Sweet, Christopher Phillips.