LAND: -1 Dec 1767 Jeremiah Hassard of North Kingstown, yeoman, for love to my grandson Jeremiah Hassard of Exeter, yeoman, (son of my son Robert Hassard of North Kingstown Esq), 156 acres bounded: Abraham Willcox, Jacob Lewis, highway, Ephraim Aylesworth Jr., Wood River; and part of a cedar swamp in West Greenwich. Witnesses: Jeffry Watson, Jeremiah Hassard (son of Jeffrey). [Exeter Land, pps 272-273; RIGR 20:290] -15 Dec 1767 Jeremiah Haszard of North Kingstown, yeoman, for love to my grandson Ephraim Haszard of North Kingstown yeoman (son of my son Robet Haszard of North Kingstown Esqr) 100 acres bounded: Abraham Willcox, highway, John Rathbun, Wood River; and 1/2 cedar swamp in West Greenwich. Witnesses: Benjamin Watson and Wm. Hammond. [Exeter Land pps 273-274; RIGR 20:290]