Thomas Hazard of South Kingstown, yeoman. Will dtd 12 Nov 1746, pvd 27 Nov 1746, pps. 181-185. Mentions:
Sons Jeremiah, George, Benjamin and Jonathan who have already received their portions; son Robert who is residual legatee and exor.
Daughters: Hannah Easton, Mary Easton late of Newport, decd, and Sarah Easton.
Grandson Fones Hazard.
Granddaughters Merian Hazard and Hannah Easton children of my daughter Mary Easton late of Newport decd.
Granddaughter Mary Hazard.
Granddaughter Susannah Gardner and her heirs.
The children of my granddaughter Ruth Underwood decd.
James and John Easton sons of my daughter Sarah Easton.
The (unnamed) children of my granddaughter Sarah Gardner which she had by Ichabod Potter decd.
Witnesses: John Handson Jr., Abigail Handson and John Handson.