Person:Ann Warren (2)

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Ann Warren
b.Abt 1612 England
m. 14 Apr 1610
  1. Mary WarrenAbt 1610 - Aft 1678
  2. Ann WarrenAbt 1612 - Aft 1675/76
  3. Sarah WarrenBef 1613 - Aft 1696
  4. Elizabeth WarrenEst 1615 - 1669/70
  5. Abigail WarrenAbt 1619 - Aft 1693
  6. Nathaniel WarrenAbt 1624 - Bef 1667
  7. Joseph Warren1627 - 1689
  • HThomas LittleEst 1608 - 1671/72
  • WAnn WarrenAbt 1612 - Aft 1675/76
m. 19 Apr 1633
  1. Abigail LittleAbt 1634 - Bef 1660
  2. Ruth LittleAbt 1636 - Aft 1675/76
  3. Hannah LittleAbt 1638 - 1710
  4. Patience LittleAbt 1639 - 1723
  5. Isaac Little1643 - 1699
  6. Mercy LittleAbt 1645 - 1693
  7. Ephraim Little1650 - 1717
  8. Thomas Little1653 - 1676
  9. Lt. Samuel LittleAbt 1656 - 1707/08
Facts and Events
Name Ann Warren
Alt Name Anna Warren
Gender Female
Birth[2] Abt 1612 England
Marriage 19 Apr 1633 Plymouth, Plymouth, Massachusetts, United Statesto Thomas Little
Death[3] Aft 19 Feb 1675/76 Marshfield, Plymouth, Massachusetts, United States
Ancestral File Number 8VNC-FV
Ancestral File Number H03V-0D
Ancestral File Number FNB4-X7
  1.   "Will and Inventory of Nathaniel Warren", in Massachusetts Society of Mayflower Descendants. Mayflower Descendant: An Illustrated Quarterly Magazine of Pilgrim Genealogy, History and Biography

    Named "Ann Little" in will of brother Nathaniel Warren dated 16 Jul 1667, proved 30 Oct 1667.

  2. "Depositions", in Massachusetts Society of Mayflower Descendants. Mayflower Descendant: An Illustrated Quarterly Magazine of Pilgrim Genealogy, History and Biography

    Deposition by Anna Little on 6 Jun 1672 regarding will of Ralph Chapman, stated she was "aged sixty yeares or therabouts" [so born about 1612].

  3. "Richard Warren", in General Society of Mayflower Descendants. Mayflower Families Through Five Generations: Descendants of the Pilgrims Who Landed at Plymouth, Mass. December 1620. (New England - United States: General Society of Mayflower Descendants., Various)
    v. 18, part 1, p. 4-5.

    Born prob. England about 1612. The will of son Thomas Little (who was killed in King Philip's War) dated 9 Feb 1675, proved 31 May 1676, mentions mother so alive on this date. Married Plymouth 19 Apr 1633 Thomas Little.