WeRelate:Social networking

Coordinated by the Overview Committee.

Operational tasks

GEDCOM review
Speedy delete
Image review
Featured pages

Quality patrols

People & Family pages
Source pages
Place pages
Duplicate pages

User support

Help pages


Social networking

Software Development

Website features

Language Committees

Nederlandse WeRelate-groep
Contributions francophones


Financial contributions to WeRelate's Foundation for On-Line Genealogy (FOLG) are greatly appreciated.
Donate now.

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About the Social networking Committee

Members of the Social networking Committee communicate about WeRelate on blogs, Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Reddit, Instagram, etc.. They post engaging messages and interact with current and potential users via social networking.

Overview Committee Liaison

There is no liaison at this time.

Current Social networking Committee Members

We are in need of volunteers! If you would like to participate in this committee, please leave a message on the talk page. Thank you!



This page belongs to the Social networking Committee. Please feel free to edit the instructions as you see fit.