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So, a bit about me..... I'm a thirtysomething amateur genealogist living in Southern California. I've always been interested in family stories and history, but didn't start to actually research and dig into the past until my late twenties. Thus far, the majority of my lines trace back to England, with a little Denmark thrown in! My ancestors have fought in nearly every war since before the founding of this country (sometimes on both sides - one of my Spencers was enlisted during the Civil War for the Union Army while a Morris was enlisted on the side of the Confederacy!).

Here are brief summaries of my primary lines. I'll add more details as time allows.

Spencer. As best I can tell, I descend from the youngest of the infamous "Spencer Brothers" who landed in New England in the 1630s, settling in Massachusetts and Connecticut and remaining there for many generations. In the early 1800s, my ancestors left Connecticut and moved through Northern Ohio to Wisconsin and then to Illinois. My grandfather left Illinois and died in Washington. Thus far, I've located many of his descendants are centralized in Illinois, though there are a few in Washington, California, and Virginia.

Gardiner. The first inklings of my Gardiner line date back to the early 1800s in England. In the mid-1800s, my grandfather's grandfather moved to the United States, traveling by ship to Louisiana and making the treacherous journey from there to Utah via covered wagon and handcarts. He eventually settled in Springville, Utah, where he remained until his death. He has many descendants, most of whom appear to have remained in Utah and Idaho, though there a smattering in the Pacific Northwest and elsewhere.

Hendricksen. My maternal grandmother was born to Danish immigrants. I've hardly touched the surface with this line. Both of her parents came to America around World War 1 through Ellis Island and settled in Salt Lake City, Utah. Their descendants have settled mostly in the Western United States.

Morris. My Morris ties date back to the mid-1800s in Mississippi in both Jasper and Perry/Forrest Counties. They appear to have been early founders of the LDS Church in Mississippi.

Simmons. My Simmons line dates back to Jasper County, Mississippi in Jasper County, Mississippi. Many direct descendants of this line are still in Jasper County today, and have been the source of valuable information in my research.

Mitchum/em. My Mitchum line dates back to the Deep South circa late 1700s, beginning in the Carolinas and moving through Georgia, Alabama, Tennessee, Mississippi, Texas, and even Oklahoma! Many direct descendants of this line are still in these areas today, and have been the source of valuable information in my research.

McDonald. My McDonalds are closely connected to the Morrises. The McDonalds I'm in touch with are in the Western United States and have been an invaluable resource to my research.

I grew up not knowing much about where I came from. Never in a million years would I have guessed that I have such deep, pioneering roots in this country. And I couldn't be prouder!