Transcript:Savage, James. Genealogical Dictionary of the First Settlers of New England/v4p287

Volume 4, Page 287

Oct. 1682, wh. liv. over 100 yrs.; Ebenezer, 23 Nov. or by ano. rept.
21 Dec. 1684; and Nathaniel, 16 Jan. 1687. JOHN, Portsmouth, adm.
freem. of Mass. 1672. JOHN, New Haven, the mariner, so call. for distinct.
propound. for freem. 1671, and was propr. 1685. Mr. Judd thinks
he was not relat. of the other Johns, but had a child, perhaps Mary, in
Sept. 1667; Samuel, b. 12 May 1669; and Sarah, 16 Jan. 1672. JOHN,
Stratford, s. of John of the same, call. jun. was propound. for freem.
1671, d. 1681, had no w. or ch. and by his will helps us to certainty in
the field where doubt was most diffus. the affin. of memb. of so common
a name. Thus to his mo. to John, s. of br. Ambrose, to childr. of John
, wh. m. his sis. Sarah, to childr. of Jonathan Curtis and sis. Abigail,
to a cousin, ch. of Matthew Mitchell, wh. was, we kn. the first of
sev. we find gifts, and the silence as to Esther, would almost serve to
show, without the rec. that she was d. JOHN, Reading, by Eaton marked
as one of the early sett. JOHN, Rehoboth, m. 19 Sept. 1682, Sarah
Smith, but to tell whose d. she was, or whose s. he was, I utterly despair.
JOHN, New Haven, mariner, was a propr. 1685, as was also ano. JOHN,
of the same call. jun. wh. may have been s. of the one of the preced. or of
William. JOHN, Salisbury 1690, that yr. m. a Brewer. JONATHAN,
Woburn, s. of James of the same, m. 28 Nov. 1655, Susanna, d. of
Thomas Blodget, had Susanna, b. 4 July 1661; Jonathan, 28 Sept.
1663; James, 1666, d. soon; James, again, 27 June 1667; Sarah, 1
June 1670; Simon, 15 June 1673; and Ebenezer, 18 Aug. 1676; and
d. 20 Oct. 1691. Jonathan, his s. was gr.-gr.f. of Sir Benjamin, knight.
by Geo. III. the disting. philosoph. better kn. as Count Rumford, with
wh. title was hon. by the k. of Bavaria, wh. was b. at W. 26 Mar.
1753. Farmer had once suppos. that the Count was descend. of Rev.
William, to wh. mistake he was led by the first Presdt. Adams; and the
correct. is due to the investigat. of Francis Jackson of Boston. JOSEPH,
Wallingford, perhaps s. of the first John of New Haven, had m. prob. as
sec. w. the wid. of Isaac Royce of the same, and was d. in 1712, when
his heirs are ment. * JOSEPH, Billerica, s. of Rev. William, m. 24 July
1662, Mary, d. of Richard Bracket of Braintree, at B. was sch. master,
town clk. ens. 1678, and lieut. 1683, selectman, capt. deac. many yrs.
and rep. 1692 under the new chart. also 99, 1700, and l, and d. 13 Oct.
1732. His wid. Mary, a sec. w. d. 9 Oct. 1743, aged 91, Farmer says.
MAURICE, Gloucester, a London merch. engag. in trade to Canada, as
early as 1631, was much desir. by our governm. to sett. with us, hav. in
1639, begun a fishing trade at Cape Ann, but only a trans. visit. if
he ever came, wh. is improb. Winthrop I. 307. MILES, Kittery 1659.
ROBERT, Boston, a man of distinct. in London, where he m. I conject. a
sis. of Gov. Hopkins of Conn. by wh. col. he was much confid. in, was a