Source:Gott, John K. Strother Bible

Source Strother Bible
Author Gott, John K
Place Fauquier, Virginia, United States
Year range 1781 - 1863
Surname Childs, Dennis, Jackson, Lawrence, Lynn, Strother
Subject Family bible
Publication information
Type Article
Publisher The Virginia Genealogist
Date issued Oct 1980
Volume / Film# / Pages V 24 No. 4, p. 281
Gott, John K. Strother Bible. (The Virginia Genealogist, Oct 1980).
Ancestry.com website

The record is a copy of the transcription of the Bible pages. The copy does not contain any additional text Mr. Gott may have written in the Virginia Genealogist, Vol. 24, No. 4, October 1980, p. 281, about the Bible pages.

Also this copy has an error in the birth date of Nancy Jackson. The copy says she was born "July 24th day of April 1840". An examination of the actual Bible image at The Library of Virginia shows the original birthdate to be 24 July 1784.

This online copy at is valuable because the text of the actual images at the Library of Virginia is so very difficult to read and this copy makes available what is nearly illegible. This author of this copy also questions the date for Agnes Laurence, so that should be double checked against the image also.

Possibly Mr. Gott's original article is available somewhere else. If you know where it might be found, please add that information here.