Person talk:Gilbert Scott (10)

Family tree drop down at the top of the page [24 August 2011]

I like the format of your page, especially the family tree drop down at the top of the page. How did you add it? I peeked into your editing page, but could not find any template or code for it and it does not appear on any of the pages that I have generated for my folks. I would love to add it to my pages as well. Thank you in advance. --Cos1776 15:46, 24 August 2011 (EDT)

I like the family tree drop down, too a lot more than Family Tree Explorer, which I almost never use.
It's pretty new, what Dallan has been calling the familytree widget. There's been a fair bit of discussion about it around the water cooler recently. I didn't notice it right away, until people started talking about it. It should be showing up on your pages now, where it didn't earlier. The only pages of yours that I found were Thomas Hall and Edward Hall, and it's on both of those pages, and probably others. Enjoy exploring with it!--GayelKnott 23:35, 24 August 2011 (EDT)