WeRelate:Suggestions/Add a Title (Nobility) Event to Person pages

Based upon conversations here and here

There is currently no event for nobility titles. There is a GEDCOM tag called TITL (note, this is not to be confused with the TITL tag for GEDCOM sources). Is the following possible?

  1. Change the Person page Name section to say Name prefix & Name suffix (instead of Title prefix/suffix).
  2. Add an Events & Facts item in the drop-down box called Title (Nobility).
  3. Connect this Title (Nobility) tag to the Person TITL tag in GEDCOM imports/exports.

The preference would be for these TITL tags to be sorted together, rather than by date. --Jennifer (JBS66) 11:21, 3 November 2012 (EDT)

Also, if the date the title was granted is known, that could be populated and the titles could be sorted by date even though they are grouped separately. —Moverton 16:46, 4 November 2012 (EST)
Event/fact sorting has been rewritten and it does not include this last request (from Moverton). Titles without dates are grouped together towards the bottom of the list (after death/burial), but if a title has a date it is placed in the timeline according to the date. This is partly because I assume it is where most people would expect it if it has a date, partly because there are a number of other facts that are treated like titles (grouped at the end by type if there is no date) and we'd have to examine which other facts should also have the date ignored, and partly because the sort logic is already quite complex and I'm not keen on making it even more complex and having to maintain it.--DataAnalyst 17:02, 23 October 2020 (UTC)

Update: Items 1 and 2 from above have been completed. Item #3 is more complex and will be completed at a later date. --Jennifer (JBS66) 07:29, 19 December 2012 (EST)

If this has not already been done, I assume Dallan or I will incorporate it in the GEDCOM rewrite.--DataAnalyst 17:02, 23 October 2020 (UTC)