Transcript:The James Hays Family in Biographical Annals, 1905



Old Chester
Hays Tapestry
Hays Registers
YDNA. Hays

……………………..The Tapestry
Families Old Chester OldAugusta Germanna
New River SWVP Cumberland Carolina Cradle
The Smokies Old Kentucky



Intermediate Source:

Citing:Source:Biographical Annals of Cumberland County, 1905:428-429



The material presented here focuses on the family history of James Hays of Cumberland County, who ancestor, Patrick Hays, immigrated to America in 1796, settling in Dauphin County. It seems likely that this is the same line as presented at Transcript:The Hays Family in Biographical Annals, 1905, in Source:Biographical Annals of Cumberland County, 1905. Since the later article identifies a Patrick Hays as settling in Dauphin County, it seems likely that the date of importation has been confused in the family history of James Hays.


James HAYS, now the owner of the the Hays homestead, where lie is engaged in general farming and fruit growing, is one of the public-spirited and progressive men of the county, who has made his own way to fortune by honorable dealings, and who to- day has the well merited esteem of all who know him. He was born on his present farm in Southampton township June 25, 1839, a descendant of good Scotch and Irish an- cestry.

Patrick Hays, his grandfather, was born in the north of Ireland, and in 1796 he emi- grated to the United States, settling in what was then Dauphin county, Pa. Remaining there a few years, he accjuired some property and then purchased the farm in Cumberland county, which is known to all as the "old Hays homestead." This tract orig- inally contained 640 acres, but from time to time parts of it have been sold, until there are now but 190 acres. Patrick Hays erected a substantial stone house and barn, and made that place his home for the remainder of his days. He was energetic and economical, and at his death left a comfortable fortune for his heirs. He married Mary Galbraith, who was born near Harrisburg, Pennsvlvania.

James W. Hays, son of Patrick, was born on the Hays homestead, in 1801, and on reaching manhood engaged in farming, to which he had l)een thoroughly trained liy his industri(ms father. He married Margaret McGinnes. who was burn near Shippensburg in 1S02, daughter of George and Catherine ( Reynolds) McGinnes, the former a native of Ireland. James W. Hays died in 1881, and his wife in 1884. Among their children were James, Margaret, Edward S.. Ellen M., Annie E. and Elizalseth.

James Hays was reared a farmer's son, and acquired his education at the old Cherry Grove school house. He remained at home until his twenty-second year, and then en- gaged in farming in .Southampton township, meeting with success from the first. He was thrifty and energetic, and when his father died he was able tn buv nut the interests of Ihe other heirs in the old home, whither he mo\-ed. and where he now resides. He has given a great deal of attention to fruit cult- ure, and bas looo peach trees and a fine ap- ple orchard. The farm has been carried on on a thoroughly up-to-date plan, and the wisdom of the owner is shown in the excel- lent results obtained. A\'hi1e his personal af- fairs ha\-e consumed a large part of his at- tention, Mr. Hays has nevertheless proved himself a good citizen by the interest he takes in pul:)lic affairs, keeping well posted on ques- tions of the day, and active in doing his share of the local work. For a number of years he was an efficient meml.ier of the school board, and for two terms be served most ac- ceptably as assessor. He is a .strong advo- cate of education, and believes it to be the dutv of all good citizens tii do evervthing to advance the facilities in the schools.

In October, 1863, Mr. Hays married Julia Main, daughter of Marshall and Mary Belle Main. Thirteen children have blessed this union: Sarah M., Annie C, Louisa, Gertrude, Helen B., Elizabeth, Flora, Alice, George A\'. ( a mine boss in Virginia) , Frank M. (a farmer). James N., Junia and John E. (a farmer). Mr. Hays and his family are all members of the Presbyterian Church, in which he has been an elder lor more tlian twenty years. The family are prominent in the social life of the community, and are very popular.