Transcript:Savage, James. Genealogical Dictionary of the First Settlers of New England/v1p333

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Volume 1, Page 333

Robert of New London in 1678, wh. was chos. a town officer in 1680,
and prob. rem. soon.

    CANTERBURY, CORNELIUS, Hingham 1639, was liv. 1672, but left
descend. only thro. female line. Perhaps Ann, wh. m. July 1679, Peter
, was the eldest, b. 14 May 1653; Mary, 29 Oct. 1654; and
Cornelius, 11 Jan. 1657; and I hear no more. JOHN, a soldier in
Dec. 1675, of Moseley's comp. was, prob. s. of William. WILLIAM,
Lynn 1641, was after of Salem, and d. 1 June 1663, leav. wid. Beatrice,
and ch. John, Ruth, and Rebecca, all, with the childr. of the latter, ment.
in his will of 2 Apr. 1661. The wid. had m. 29 Nov. 1665, Francis Plummer
of Newbury, and d. Rebecca m. a Woodrow. This name is often
Cantelberry, or Cantlebury.

    CAPEN, BERNARD, Dorchester, came, perhaps after his s. for he was
adm. freem. not until 16 May 1636, and d. 8 Nov. 1638, aged 70, and
his wid. d. of Oliver Purchis, m. on the Monday of Whitsun week, 1596,
d. 26 Mar. 1653, aged 75, acc. the gr.stone inscript. thot. to be the
earliest in N. E. His will of 9 Oct. preced. his d. was not pro. bef.
Nov. 1652. Abstr. of it is in Geneal. Reg. V. 240. Only three ch.
are kn. Ruth, b. 7 Aug. 1600; Susanna, 11 Apr. 1602; and John, 26
Jan. 1613. Susanna d. 13 Nov. 1666. He was from Dorchester, in
O. E. as appears from nuncup. will of Henry Russell, wh. left him a
legacy there. BERNARD, Dorchester, s. of John, m. 2 June 1675,
Sarah, d. of Thomas Trott, had Bernard, b. 26 Mar. 1676; John, 18
Feb. 1678, d. in few hours; Sarah, 5 Jan. 1679; Joseph, 28 Nov. 1681,
d. at 13 yrs.; James, 8 Apr. 1684, d. in few hours; and John, again, 16
July 1685. The f. d. of smallpox, 3 May 1691, and his wid. d. 2 June
1724, aged 70. CHARLES, Dorchester, a soldier, Dec. 1675, in the comp.
of brave capt. Johnson. JAMES, Charlestown, by w. Hannah, prob.
d. of John Lawrence of C., had James, bapt. 16 Sept. 1683; and Hannah,
b. 13 Oct. 1686. * JOHN, Dorchester, only s. of the first Bernard,
came bef. his f. as is thot. was freem. 14 May 1634, m. 20 Oct. 1637,
Redigon or Radigan Clap, had Joanna, b. 3 Oct. 1638, d. soon; John, 21
Oct. 1639; and his w. d. 10 Dec. 1645. Next, by w. Mary, d. of Samuel
Bass of Braintree, m. 20 Sept. 1647, he had Samuel, b. at B. 29
July 1648; Bernard, 24 Mar. 1650; a d. 6 July 1652; ano. ch. 17
Nov. 1654; Preserved, 4 Mar. 1657; Joseph, 20 Dec. 1658, bapt. 2
Jan. foll. H. C. 1677; Hannah, 1 Oct. 1662; and Elizabeth 29, bapt. 30
Dec. 1666, wh. d. at 13 yrs. He was of ar. co. 1646, deac. 1656, a
capt. rep. 1671, 3-8, and d. 6 Apr. 1692. All of this name in our
country, it is said, descend. from him. His wid. d. 29 June 1704, aged
72; and her d. Mary m. 22 Sept. 1674, James Foster. JOHN, Dorchester,
s. of the preced. freem. 1666, m. 19 Nov. 1662, Susanna, d. of
William Barsham of Watertown, had Susanna, b. 16 Sept. 1664;
John, wh. d. 7 Aug. 1681; Samuel, 23 Oct. 1667; Thankful, 22 Apr.