Transcript:Savage, James. Genealogical Dictionary of the First Settlers of New England/v1p267

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Volume 1, Page 267

other s. Peter, John, and William, besides eldest d. Elizabeth Stanton. d.
Sarah Champlin, w. of Joseph C.and d. Ruth B. GEORGE, Billerica,
only s. of William, m. 30 Jan. 1690, Sarah, d. of James Kidder of B. had
Joseph, b. 3 Nov. foll. Sarah, 8 Mar. 1692. Elizabeth 12 Jan. 1694; Josiah,
19 Apr. 1695; William, 21 Oct. 1696; Mary and James, tw. 27 Sept. 1698;
John, and Thomas, tw. 27 Nov. 1699; Samuel,,27 Jan. 1701; Ephraim,
and Isaac, tw. 23 Jan. 1702; Dorothy, 1 Jan. 1704; and Sarah, 21 Dec.
1707. He was a man of gr. public spirit, capt. and rep. 1716 and for
six yrs. more, d. in honora. age. See William Brown. HENRY, Boston,
an early propr. purchase. also, in 1648; prob. went home, was of London
1668. HENRY Salisbury, b. 1615; came with his mo.; an orig. propr.
of course in 1639, was br. of George of Haverhill, by w. Abigail had
Nathaniel, b. 30 June 1642; Abigail, 23 Feb. 1644; Jonathan, 25 Nov.
1646, prob. d. young; Philip, Dec. 1648; Abraham, 1 Jan. 1650;
Sarah, 6 Dec. 1654; and Henry, 8 Feb. 1659. He was a shoemaker,
d. 6 Aug. 1701; and his wid. d. 23 Aug. 1702. Abigail m. 1 June
1691, Samuel French; and Sarah m. 12 June 1673, Andrew Greeley.
HENRY, Salisbury, youngest ch. of the preced. m. 17 May 1682, Hannah
Putnam, had John, b. 15 Apr. 1683; Rebecca, 1 Oct. 1684; Abraham,
4 July 1686; Hannah, 20 Mar. 1689, d. young; Eliezer, 18 Feb.
1691; Henry, 17 June 1693; Benjamin, 25 June 1695; Mehitable, 20
Sept. 1698; Nathaniel, 21 Dec. 1700; Joseph, bapt. 18 Sept. 1703;
and Hannnah, 9 June 1705; rem. to Salem, where some of the ch. were
b. and he d. 25 Apr. 1708. His wid. in will of 9 May 1730, speaks of
six s. then liv. and ds. Rebecca and Hannah. HENRY, Providence
1652, sw. alleg. in June 1668, had Richard, Joseph, and prob. Henry
and other ch. In his will of 27 Sept. 1690 ment. w. Hannah. HENRY,
Providence, call. jr. when he took o. of alleg. in May 1682, may have
been s. of the preced. HOPESTILL, Sudbury, s. of deac. William, m.
1686, Abigail Haynes, and for sec. w. had Dorothy, wid. of Rev. and
unhappy Samuel Paris, and d. 1729. HUGH, Salem 1628, com. with
Endicott, in opin. of Mr. Felt, sent to relief of the Ind. at Ipswich 1631,
perhaps rem. to Boston. HUGH, Boston (in opin. of Farmer, the same
as the preced. but, in mine, more prob. was his s.), by w. Sarah had Job,
b. 29 Mar. 1651; Hugh, wh. d. 16 July 1652; and Sarah, 16 Aug.
1653, Wh. d. 2 Jan. foll. and the improb. rec. in Geneal. Reg. X. 218,
tells, that ano. Sarah d. 3 Apr. 1654. ICHABOD, Cambridge, s. of
Thomas of the same, by w. Martha had John, b. 1 Nov. 1696, H. C.
1714, the min. of Haverhill; Martha, 16 June 1699; Priscilla, 14 Dec.
1702; Sarah, 26 Sept. 1706; and his w. d. 1 Sept. 1708. He m. 13
June 1709, Margaret Odlin, perhaps youngest d. of Elisha of Boston,
had Abigail, b. 8 May 1710, and d. 1728, the five ch. and the mo. of the
youngest all surv. ISAAC, Newbury, s. of Thomas of the same, m. 22
Aug. 1661, Rebecca, perhaps d. of John Bayley, jr. had Ruth, b. 26
May, 1662; Thomas, 13 Sept. 1664; Rebecca, 15 Mar. 1667; and he d.
13 May 1674. JABEZ, Sudbury 1667, prob. s. of Thomas of Concord,
freem. 1680; by w. Hannah, had Mary, b. 26 Nov. 1672; and Sarah,
20 May 1680; was of Stow, rep. under the new chart. 1692. JACOB,
Billerica, one of the proprs. 1659, m. 16 Oct. 1661, Mary Tapley.