Talk:African American Research Guide

Great stuff! [6 September 2009]

Wow... loving all the links being added. What do you all think about the best way to organize these links? jillaine 12:04, 2 September 2009 (EDT)

During my review of miscellaneous sources in the Source Renaming Project I noticed a lot of these African American sources that no one was watching and no WR pages were linked to, so I presumed they would soon be deleted as part of the source review. So these were some of the ones I copied over to preserve. Not sure I'll be able to take the time to organize better though. Hopefully someone with a more pertinent genealogical interest and personal connection to these references may take the time to do so. --BobC 01:00, 6 September 2009 (EDT)

Tri-Racial Isolates Move

I've moved the Tri-Racial Isolates narrative formerly on the Native American Research Guide to this page. The research I've done and the other sources I've read on these groups seems to show a distinct connection to mixed African American origins (more from relationships with early European Americans than with Native Americans). The Wikipedia article on Melungeon Tri-Racial Isolates expresses that the ancestry and identity of Melungeons are highly controversial subjects, and that it is likely these Melungeons were freed slaves and indentured servants of European, West African, and Native Indian ancestry (not just North American Indian, but also Caribbean, Central and South American Indian). Some of these "Atlantic Creoles" (a 17th and 18th century term describing those of mixed race during the height of the Atlantic slave trade, most often offspring of a European father and African mother) were culturally what today might be called "Hispanic" or "Latino." During the 18th and early 19th centuries, census enumerators designated members of these Tri-Racial ethnic groups as "mulatto," "other free," or as "free persons of color." Sometimes they were listed as "white," sometimes as "black" or "negro", but almost never as "Indian." This observation is supported by Wikipedia's entry on African American history, where it shows that 58 percent of African Americans have at least 12.5 percent European ancestry (equivalent of one great-grandparent), whereas only 5 percent of African Americans have at least 12.5 percent Native American ancestry (equivalent to one great-grandparent).--BobC 00:53, 6 September 2009 (EDT)

NARA - African American link - your choose [12 September 2009]

Hello Bob,

This subject page is looking good. Here is another link that might be helpful. It is a link to the NARA African American page. It might be a good addition. Debbie Freeman --DFree 12:57, 12 September 2009 (EDT)