Person:Sarah Bearding (1)

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Sarah Bearding
b.Est 1625
d.Bef 7 Jan 1673/74
m. Bef 1624
  1. Sarah BeardingEst 1625 - Bef 1673/74
m. 11 Sep 1645
  1. Sarah SpencerEst 1646 - 1712
  2. Elizabeth Spencer1648 - Aft 1711/12
  3. Jared SpencerEst 1650 - Bet 1711/12 & 1712
  4. Hannah Spencer1653 -
  5. Mary Spencer1655 - 1690
  6. Martha Spencer1657/58 - Bef 1704
Facts and Events
Name[1] Sarah Bearding
Gender Female
Birth[1] Est 1625 Estimate based on date of marriage.
Marriage 11 Sep 1645 Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, United Statesto Sergeant Thomas Spencer
Death[2] Bef 7 Jan 1673/74 Not mentioned in father's will of that date; widower and all six of her children were.
  1. 1.0 1.1 Nathaniel Bearding, in Society of the Descendants of the Founders of Hartford

    Ch. by first wife-Sarah, m. Sept. 11, 1645, Sergeant Thomas Spencer, of Hartford, as his second wife.

  2. Nathaniel Berding, in Manwaring, Charles W. A Digest of the Early Connecticut Probate Records. (Hartford, Conn.: R. S. Peck & Co., 1904-06)