Person:Samuel Horsfall (1)

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Samuel Tomlin Horsfall
m. 4 Aug 1820
  1. John Tomlin Horsfall1821 - 1889
  2. Sarah Anne Horsfall1822 - 1871
  3. Elizabeth Horsfall1824 - 1884
  4. Martha Horsfall1825 - 1899
  5. Henry Horsfall1827 - 1831
  6. Alfred Horsfall1829 - 1917
  7. Mary Garnett Horsfall1830 - 1913
  8. Esther Horsfall1832 - 1912
  9. Emma Jane Horsfall1835 - Bef 1835
  10. Michael Edward Rawsthorne Horsfall1836 - 1901
  11. Joseph James Horsfall1838 - 1838
  12. Samuel Tomlin Horsfall1839 - 1919
  13. Jeremiah Garnett Horsfall, C.I.E.1840 - 1920
  1. Pomare Horsfall1869 - 1917
Facts and Events
Name Samuel Tomlin Horsfall
Alt Name[10] Samuel Taylor Horsfall
Gender Male
Birth[1][2][8] 12 Apr 1839 Addingham, West Riding of Yorkshire, Englandat Farfield Hall
Census[3] 1841 Addingham, Yorkshire, England
Baptism[1] 27 Aug 1845 Ilkley, Yorkshire, EnglandAdmitted to the Church (which implies a previous baptism, possibly in a Non-Conformist Church)
Census[4] 1851 Wakefield, Yorkshire, England
Immigration[19] 7 Sep 1857 Melbourne, Victoria, Australiafrom Liverpool
Marriage to Horiana Te Kaingahou
Immigration[9] Abt 1867 New Zealand
Military[9] 15 Apr 1871 New ZealandListed as Lieutenant at Pot Bay
Other[10] 1871 Gisborne, Gisborne, New Zealandestablished a store
Other[11] 15 Apr 1872 Auckland, Auckland, New Zealandin court with Capt. Reid [sic]
Residence[17] Dec 1872 Gisborne, Gisborne, New Zealandcontinued conflict with Reed
Residence[6] 1875 Gisborne, Gisborne, New Zealand
Residence[18] 1878 Gisborne, Gisborne, New Zealand
Occupation[7] 7 Apr 1880 New Plymouth, Taranaki, New Zealandowner of race horses; testified in a court case
Residence[5] 1885 Christchurch City, Canterbury, New Zealandoccupation horse breeder
Other[14] 11 Mar 1901 Bluff, Southland, New Zealandtravelled in Saloon of SS Moana from Hobart, Tasmania, Australia
Death[12][13][15] 24 Mar 1919 Melbourne, Victoria, Australiaresidence Fitzroy, pensioner
Burial[9][16] 26 Mar 1919 Fawkner Memorial Park, Fawkner, Victoria, Australia
Probate[13][15] 28 Mar 1919 Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
  1. 1.0 1.1 Church of England. Parish Church of Ilkley (Yorkshire). Parish registers, 1597-1955. (Bradford, Yorkshire: West Yorkshire Archive Service, 1995).

    1845, Baptism No. 616
    Admitted to the Church 27 August, Samuel Tomlin, son of Jeremiah and Anne Horsfall (born 12 April 1839), resident Ilkley Hall, father’s occupation formerly Cotton Merchant; John Snowd[en], vicar

  2. Turner, J. Horsfall (Joseph Horsfall). Ancient Bingley, or Bingley, its history and scenery. (Bingley: Thomas Harrison, 1897)
    p. 230.

    Jeremiah Horsfall, of Addingham, born 1792, married Anne, dau. John Tomlin, Esq., Clitheroe. Their children: Samuel Tomlin, b. 1839

  3. Addingham, York, West Riding, in England. 1841 Census Schedules for England and Wales, Isle of Man and the Channel Islands. (
    Kew, Richmond, Greater London TW9 4DU, United Kingdom:
    The National Archives (abbreviated TNA), formerly the UK General Register Office.)
    pp. 2-3; FHL #0464270.

    Farfield Hall
    Sarah Ann Horsfall, age 15*, female, Ind., No [Not born in County]
    Elizabeth Horsfall, age 15, female, Ind., Yes [born in County]
    , Alfred, 12, male, yes
    , Mary, 10, female, yes
    , Esther, 9, yes
    , Michael D., 5, yes
    , Jeremiah, 1, male, yes
    Hannah Taylor, 25, female, F. S. [female servant], yes
    Sarah Wilson, 40, female, F.S., yes
    p. 25
    Farfield Halll
    Samuel Horsfall, 2 years, male, omitted by mistake should have been entered on the top of page 2, yes
    *[between 15-20]

  4. Wakefield, Yorkshire, West Riding, in England. 1851 Census Returns for England and Wales. (
    Kew, Richmond, Greater London TW9 4DU, United Kingdom:
    The National Archives (abbreviated TNA), formerly the UK General Register Office.)
    pp. 24-25.
    1. 159, Saint Johns
      Horsfall, Sarah Ann, head, unmarried, age 26, Income from Mortgages, etc., b. Lancashire, Clithero
      , Martha, sister, unmarried, age 24, b. Lancaster, Clithero
      , Mary Garnett, sister, unmarried, 20, b. Yorkshire, Addingham
      , Samuel Tomlin, brother, 11, scholar, b. Yorkshire, Addingham
      , Jeremiah G., brother, 10, scholar, b. Yorkshire, Addingham
      Haigh, Miriam, servant, unmarried, 24, general servant, b. Yorkshire, Clayton West
  5. Christchurch South, Canterbury, 1885-1886, in New Zealand. Electoral Rolls, 1853-1981.

    No. 855, Horsfall, Samuel Tomlin, Qualification: residential, residence: 156 Cashel street, occupation: horse breeder

  6. East Cape, Bay of Plenty, Hawke's Bay, East Coast, in New Zealand. Electoral Rolls, 1853-1981.

    No. 360, Horsfall, Samuel T., resident Gisborne, qualification: freehold, Property description: Gisborne, premises in which he resides

  7. Taranaki Herald, in Papers Past. (New Zealand: National Library of New Zealand)
    Vol. XXVIII, No. 3398, p. 2, 8 April 1880.

    Wednesday, 7 April
    Resident Magistrate's Court
    Quinlan v. McIvor
    . . . . Samuel Horsfall said: "I am a proprietor of race horses, and I have been in the habit of attending race meetings. . . . It woiuld take a very good racehorse whose earnings would be sufficient to pay all expenses and to declare a dividend. . . . I never heard of an arrangement where the owner of a race horse was to get half the gross winnings. . . . I think my own horses are better than Redeemer, and they have been a loss to me as yet. My horses are King Quail and Ratcatcher."

  8. Maurine Creagh.

    Letter, Maurine Creagh, 13 Jan. 1993
    Samuel Tomlin Horsfall, born 1839 at Farfield Hall, Addingham.

  9. 9.0 9.1 9.2 Bruce Allen Family History.

    Samuel emigrated to New Zealand around 1867 and settled in Gisborne, North Island. He soon built a General Store, obtained a liquor licence and was in opposition to a Mr. Read who had the only other store there.
    Samuel married Horiana WILLOUGHBY (TE-KAINGAHOU) a Mouri Princess
    The Dictionary of New Zealand Biography Vol 1, (1990) 1767 - 1869 gave details of Samuels troubles where a court case which involved paying for travel and accommodation for witnesses. This sent him broke. (Source: Research by Maurine CREAGH; IGI Index)

    The National Archives of New Zealand, Samuel is listed as a Lieutenant at Pot Bay, on the 15th April 1872. The next year it is crossed out with the notation "Left the Colony". Samuel had left New Zealand "to escape his debts" and probably went to South Australia first and then to Melbourne (Source: Research by Maurine CREAGH) [Note: Maurine Creagh consistently said he was listed as a Lieutenant in 1871.]

    Samuel Tomlin HORSFALL d.28th March 1919 aged 80 in Melbourne, Victoria
    When Samuel died in Melbourne aged 80, his occupation was listed as "Curator" and he was buried in Fawkner cemetery. (Source: Research by Maurine CREAGH)

  10. 10.0 10.1 MacKay, Joseph Angus. Historic Poverty Bay and the East Coast, N.I., N.Z. (Salt Lake City, Utah: Genealogical Society of Utah, 1973)
    p. 190.

    Chapter XXII, "Uncrowned King of Poverty Bay" - Captain G. E. Read's Colourful Career
    [The "colourful" nature of Read's career included some behaviours that were not always as scrupulous as they might have been. He also was the owner of the only store in Gisborne in the early years of its settlement.]
    "It came as a great shock to Read when he learned, early in 1871, that Samuel Taylor [sic] Horsfall was about to open a big store on the main street. Bitter enmity soon sprung up between them, and, on several occasions, their wordy warfare ended in blows. During a quarrel in October, 1872, Horsfall knocked some of Read's teeth out and kicked him. Read took the matter into court. Horsfall pleaded that, when he had sent a messenger with an account to Read, the document was thrown back to the accompaniment of insulting language. He was merely bound over to keep the peace. Dissatisfied with the decision, Read sued Horsfall for £500 for violent assault. A special jury at Napier assessed the damages at £50."

  11. New Zealand Hearld, in Papers Past. (New Zealand: National Library of New Zealand)
    Vol 9, No. 2566, p. 3; and No. 2567, p. 3, 16-17 Apr 1872.

    Monday, 15 April
    Supreme Court - Civil Sittings
    Reid vs Horsall
    "Mr. Wihitaker for the plaintiff, Mr. MacCormack for the defendant. the proceedings in this action are out of a former trial in the Supreme Court, in which the defendant brought an action against the plaintiff to recover damages for conversion of goods shipped in one of Reid's vessels from Napier to Gisborne, Poverty Bay, and sent back by Reid's order to Napier, without delivery to the defendant Horsfall. [Horsfall denied Reid's testimony in the previous trial] and a good deal of ill-will existing led to the present action [a charge of perjury]. [The present action was] brought by Captain Reid, of Gisborne (on the East Coast), against the defendant, Samuel Tomlin Horsfall (plaintiff in the former action), a store keeper of the same place, to recover damages (£500) for injury sustained by reason of a false accusation made by defendant, before a Justice of the Peace, against the plaintiff, in consequence of which the plaintiff was arrested (under a warrant), brought before the Magistrates at Napier, but the charge against the plaintiff was dismissed. [Reid argues that Horsfall] did falsely and maliciously appear before the Justice of the Peace at Napier (Singleton Rochefort, Esq), and swear 'maliciously, and without reasonable or probably cause,' that the plaintiff, on a trial at the Circuit Court (Civil Sittings), holden in Auckland, had been guilty of willful and corrupt perjuries." [Defendant denied allegations.]

    [Apparently Reid had told Horsfall not ship goods on his boat, but Horsfall's agent in Napier had shipped them on Reid's boat and Reid had returned them to Napier, claiming that a) he did not know to whom they belonged, and when he tried to give them to another man (possibly Horsfall's manager?) he would not take them; and b) Horsfall's agent in Napier had told him to return the goods. In the previous trial, the agent denied giving such an order, but subsequently started to waffle, and suggestd that Horsfall might gain £100 pounds if he dropped the whole issue.]

    After considerable discussion of who actually said what to whom and how it was to be interpreted according to law, the jury spent an hour and a half in deliberation and returned a verdict for the plaintiff. Damages £10.

  12. The Angus (Melbourne), in Australia. Trove Digitised newspapers and more. (National Library of Australia)
    31 Oct 1919, p. 11, accessed 7 Apr 2013.

    Creditors, next of kin and all others having claims against the estate of any of the following person are required to send Particulars to the Curator of Estates of Deceased Persons before 15 December 1919
    Samuel Tomlin Horsfall, late of No. 122 Nicholson street, Fitzroy, old age pensioner, died 24 March 1919, intestate

  13. 13.0 13.1 Probate index books, G-H, 1889-1899, in Victoria, Australia. Index to Probate Registers, 1841-1989: Database with images. (
    Image 71, FamilySearch.

    Samuel T Horsfall
    Occupation: Pensioner
    Death Date: 24 Mar 1919
    Residence City: Fitzroy
    [Probate Registration]: 28 Mar 1919Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
    Series Number: 162, Record Number: 864

  14. New Zealand. National Archives. Passenger lists (New Zealand), 1883-1973. (Salt Lake City, Utah: Genealogical Society of Utah, 1988).

    SS Moana, 11 March 1901 Passenger List
    Mr. S. T. Horsfall, age 62, English, Gentleman, boarded at Hobart, destination Bluff, Southland, New Zealand, travelling in Saloon

  15. 15.0 15.1 Probate Record #162864, in Victoria, Australia. Wills and Probates, Public Record Office Victoria, Australia
    accessed 29 Dec 2019.

    Probate Record 162864
    Estate of Samuel Tomlin Horsfall
    Late of No 122 Nicholson Street, Fitzroy
    Deceased, Intestate
    Granted to Administrator 28 Mar 1919
    Ordered that Curator of Estates of Deceased Persons shall be Administrator
    Statement of C. Reeve Stacks of Melbourne HospitalSamuel Tomlin Horsfall, old age pensioner, died 24 March 1919, intestate
    He was bachelor at time of death
    and had property to the value of 6£ 16 shillings 1 penny
    as follows:
    cash and stamps: 1:14:5
    Money in Commercial Bank, Melbourne 4"16"8
    Watch and Chain 0:5:0
    that he had no known relatives or next of kin

  16. Deceased Search, in Victoria, Australia. The Greater Metropolitan Cemeteries Trust
    accessed 29 Dec 2019.

    HORSFALL Samuel Tomlin
    Burial (Interment) 26/03/1919, Church Of England Section, Fawkner Memorial Park
    Location: FA-COE*H***565

  17. New Zealand. Dictionary of New Zealand Biography"
    Biography, Read, George Edward, accessed 29 Dec 2019.

    When [Reed] thought he had been wronged he was quite willing to seek redress in court or by more direct means. One argument in December 1872 with another store owner, Samuel Horsfall, ended with Read's losing teeth and his competitor's being sued for assault.

  18. Wise´s New Zealand Post Office Directory, 1878-1879, in New Zealand, City & Area Directories, 1866-1954 : [database on-line]. ( Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2010)
    p. 130.

    Name Samuel T Horsfall
    Year 1878-1879
    Residence Gisborne, Gisborne, New Zealand

  19. Victoria, Australia. Assisted and Unassisted Passenger Lists, 1839–1923. (

    Saml Horsfall, age 18 [b. abt 1839], single, occupation Trader, English
    Arrival: 7 Sep 1857, Melbourne, Australia
    Departure Port: Liverpool
    Ship: Ellen Stuart