HARRINGTON (Herrington, Errington, Arrington).
ROBERT HARRINGTON. His name is the last on the list of proprietors, made out 1642-44. He then owned a horsestall, "given him by Thomas Hastings." This gift renders it probable that he was a kinsman of Dea. Hastings. He was adm. freeman, May 27, 1663, and he m., Oct. 1, 1649 (? 48), SUSANNA GEORGE. b. 1632, who d. July 6, 1694, and he d. May 17, 1707. In his Will, dated Jan. 1, 1704-5 (the day before the 3d m. or his dr. Susanna), he mentions his sons John, Daniel, Benjamin, Samuel, Thomas, Edward (his "youngest son," to whom he gave his homestead), and drs. Susanna Beers, Mary Bemis, Sarah Winship, Joseph, son of "my son Joseph, deceased", and dr.-in-law Joanna Ward, late wife of his son Joseph. His Inventory mentions 16 lots of land, amounting to 642 1/2 acres and appraised at 717 pounds. Dec. 24, 1684, he bought of Jeremiah Dummer, a goldsmith, of Boston, and Anna, his wife, for 90 pounds, the West or S.W. half (250 acres) of Oldham Farm, where some of his descendants have continued to reside until present time. It was bounded W. by Joseph Garfield; N. by Richard Cutting, wid. Sarah Fiske , and said Garfield; E. to his son Joseph 55 acres of land, which he bought of Simon Coolege, Jan. 29, 1670-80, which he (S.C.) had bought of Simon Stone, and which he (S.S.) had bought of the wid. and heirs of Rev. Henry Green, to whom it had been granted by the town. It is very probably that all of the families of the name of Harrington, in New England, are descended from Robert, of Watertown. They are very numerous and widely dispersed. There was a Richard Harrington, or Arrignton, of Charlestown, in 1643; but I have not discovered that he left any descendants, bearing his name, or that he was related to Robert.
ABRAHAM ERRINGTON, of Camb., adm. f. c. Mar. 27, 1663; m. REBECCA, dr. of Robert Cutler, of Charlestown. She had been adm. f. c. some time before. Chil., 1. REBECCA 2. HANNAH 3. SARAH; all bap. prev. to 1660. 4. MARY, bap. Jan. 13, 1660. 5. ABRAHAHAM, bap. Nov. 8,1663. I have discovered no further information respecting this family.