Person:Phillipa De Roet (1)

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  1. Phillipa de Roet1348 - 1387
  2. Catherine de Roët1350 - 1403
m. Bef Sep 1366
  1. Thomas Chaucer1367 - 1434
Facts and Events
Name Phillipa de Roet
Gender Female
Birth? 1348 Somme, Picardie, France
Marriage Bef Sep 1366 to Geoffrey Chaucer
Death[3] 1387 City of London, Middlesex, England
Reference Number? Q546073

the text in this section is copied from an article in Wikipedia

Philippa de Roet (also known as Philippa Pan or Philippa Chaucer; – c. 1387) was an English courtier, the sister of Katherine Swynford, third wife of John of Gaunt, Duke of Lancaster (a son of King Edward III) and the wife of the poet Geoffrey Chaucer.

This page uses content from the English Wikipedia. The original content was at Philippa Roet. The list of authors can be seen in the page history. As with WeRelate, the content of Wikipedia is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.
  1.   Philippa Roet, in Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia.
  2.   Philippa Roët, in Lundy, Darryl. The Peerage: A genealogical survey of the peerage of Britain as well as the royal families of Europe.
  3. CHAUCER, Geoffrey (c.1343-1400), of London and ?of Greenwich, Kent., in The History of Parliament.