Person:Kaspar Hauschildt (1)

  • HKasper HauschildtAbt 1675 - 1739
  1. Johannes Houshell1698 - 1761
  2. Jacob HoushalAbt 1700 - Aft 1761
  3. Mathias HoushillBet 1705 & 1714 - 1778
Facts and Events
Name Kasper Hauschildt
Alt Name Gasper Houshell
Unknown Casper Housel
Gender Male
Birth? Abt 1675 Neuwied, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany
Marriage to Unknown
Death? 1739 Hunterdon, New Jersey


Our research into the HOUSEL family line has accepted that the family name evolved from a Surname more deeply based in Germanic. Here, the surname HAUSCHILDT is being used, but in materials available in the United States, that spelling is not found (except in contemporary genealogy works). The most similar seems to be HAUSCHILD, however there are several variants to the spelling in the early documents that have been found (HOWSILL, HOWSELL, HAUSELT, HOUSHALL, HOUSHELL, HOUSHILL, HOWZEL, etc.). Over time, the family surname in North America has become 'normalized' and now is consistently referred to as HOUSEL.

Henry Z. Jones in his work More Palatine Families: Some Immigrants to the Middle Colonies 1717-1776 gives us more background about what we believe to be the HAUSCHILDT family in Germany, and nods to the plausibility of the general framework presented here with Kasper being the father of brothers Jacob, Johannes and Mathias in New Jersey. [5]

Kasper Hauschildt

The evidence for Kasper is scarce, and new evidence is elusive. Many presentations regarding Kasper and family rely on references to secondary or tertiary sources. Frequently, presentations rely on sources such as the “Trimmer Notebooks” or “The Dierdorff Notebooks” as though they were contemporaneous sources, not realizing that they are the product of a researcher working in the 1950s. Worse yet, there are many facts about the family which seem to be made up out of whole cloth. Only rarely do we find reliance on primary or contemporaneous sources. We believe that to properly evaluate this group, it is first necessary to separate fact from myth. Further, to more accurately present this line, we must rely on documented fact and we must fully document the sources and citations upon which we rely.

It appears that the birth year of 1675 is based on less than certain information about Kasper (age at birth of eldest child, etc). The location of his birth is often stated as Neuwied, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany based on information about a William HOUSEL[9] who may be somehow related to Kasper.

We DO know that by 1735 Kasper (as Gasper HOWSHILL) was a leasee of 150 Acres of ‘The Great Tract” of the West Jersey Society in Hunterdon, New Jersey[6]. The History of East Amwell, 1700-1800, tells us that by 26 November 1739, “Kasper HOUSHELL” is dead and both “Court CULE and Jacob HOUSHALL” are Trustees of his estate[3][7]. Based on this little bit of information, it is believed that Kasper was the father of the three more well known brothers, Johannes, Jacob and Mathias. At this time, there is also another view: that Kasper was yet another brother of these three.

Since there is so little information, and apparently an abundance of misinformation, the following outline is offered as an attempt to clearly point to data that is known. We also hope to clearly label speculation for what it is, and to point to what may be the source of that speculation which has so often resulted in misinformation. (NOTE: This information is current as of November 2017).

TIMELINE of Known Data with respect to this family group

In early New Jersey, there are several early references to the group of men who we are presenting here as father, and his three sons.
Jul 8, 1730, BOTH Jacob HOUSELT and Johan HOUSILT are 'naturalized'.[1]
Aug 4, 1734, Johannis and Neeltje HANSEL - son Johannis baptised at Readington Church.[2]
1735, Gasper Hawshill is named as leasee of 150 Acres of land in what became known as 'The West Jersey Society's Great Tract in Hunterdon County'[6]
Nov 28, 1736, Johannis and Neeltje HOUSEL - son Pieter baptised at Readington Church.[2]
Dec 24, 1738, Matthys and ???? HANSELT - child Christienje baptised at Readington Church.[2]
Sep 9, 1739, Jacob and Catherina HANSELT - son Pieter, witnesses Pieter LIFFLEAR and Antje HANSELT at Readington Church.[2]
Nov 26, 1739, debt to Kasper HOUSHELL, to be paid unto his Trustees Court CULE and Jacob HOUSHALL.[3]
Nov 25, 1744, Jacob and Catherina HOUSELT, - son Martein, baptised at Readington Church.[2]
Dec 8, 1744, Matthias HOUSHILT (and Adam HOESHIELD and others) Naturalized, New Jersey.[4]
Feb 5, 1761, John HOUSHEL signs last WILL and Testament and "appoint my two brothers Jacob and Mathias HOUSHAL to be the Executors of this my Last will and testament." He also mentions his wife and children.[[1]]
Mar 5, 1761, Jacob HOUSHAL signs last WILL and Testament, mentions brother Mathias HOUSHAL (and Peter LLEFFLER as well as wife and children)[[2]]
Apr 4, 1761 Wills of both Jacob and John become probate.[[3]] [[4]]
Oct 31, 1778, Will of Matthias HOUSHELL signed.[[5]]
Dec 21, 1778. Will of Matthias becomes probate.[[6]]

  1. Provincce of New Jersey; Sedgwick, Theodore, 1780-1839; Allinson, Samuel, 1739-1791. Acts of the General Assembly of the Province of New-Jersey & etc. (from 17 April 1702, to 14 January 1776): from the surrender of the government to Queen Anne, on the 17th day of April, in the year of our Lord 1702, to the 14th day of January 1776. To which is annexed, the ordinance for regulating and establishing the fees of the Court of Chancery of the said province : with three alphabetical tables, and an index / compiled and published under the appointment of the General assembly, and compared with the original acts. (New Jersey: Burlington [N.J.] : Printed by Isaac Collins, Printer to the King, for the Province of New-Jersey, , 1776)
    p. 98, 8 July 1730.

    "CHAP. CXLIX. An Act for the better enabling divers Inhabitants
    of the Province oſ New-Jerſey to hold Lands, and inveſt them with Privileges
    of natural born Subjects of the ſaid Province."

    "The following are the Perſons naturalized by this Law-Godfrey Peters, Hendrick Boſt, Johnan Willem Snoek, Nicholas Signe, Johannes Laux, Willem Guiſe, Jacob Moore, Hieroninus Keyſer, Joſeph Boſt, Rudolph Herly, Anthony Habback, John Moor, Johan Ludowick Rightmier, Jacob Houſelt, Johannes Yager, Johannes Peter Yagar, Paul Flag, Jacob Peer, Hendrick Dirdorf, Chriſtian Cornelius, Carel Hierlogh, Bartholomeus Melſbagh, Hendrick Yager, Jacob Eigh, Chriſtian Haſell, Johan Houſilt, Johan Philip Kaes, Johan Peter Rockcfelter, and his two Sons, namely, Peter Rockefeltcr and Johannes Rockefelter, Perter Bodine, Jacob Engle, Jacob Sartor, and his two Sons, namely, Johannes Sartor and Hendrick Sartor, Johan William Berg, and his: three Sons, namely, Johannes Berg, Pieter Berg and John Berg, Johan Gerig Miller, Johan Young, Martin Fiſher and his two Sons, namely, Jacob Fiſher and Philip Fiſher, Koenraet Keiel, Hendrick Snock, William Han, Chriſtopher Snider, Jacob Gerhart, William Engle, Pieter Fiſher, Pieter Young, Herbert Homer, Koenraet Henerigh, Adam Homer, Willem Bellesfelt, Willem Kaes, Paul Kole, Hieronimus Ilorin, Matteys Smith, Carel Maret, Johannes Giddeman, and his Son Henderick Giddeman, Mattys Kaalfitt, Hendrick VVeever, Ann Hagg, Anthony Dirdorf, and his four Sons,namely, Peter Dirdorf, John Dirdorf, Anthony Dirdorf, and Chriſtian Dirdorf."

  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 Somerset County Historical Quarterly. (Somerville, New Jersey: Somerset County Historical Society)
    Vol IV, 1915.

    Readington Church Baptisms since 1720

    - p215; 1734 Aug 4;
    Hansel, Johannis and Neeltje -- Johannis

    - p216; 1736 Nov 28:
    Housel, Johannis and Neeltje -- Pieter

    - p218; 1738 Dec 24;
    Hanselt, Matthys and ----, --- Christienje
    witness: Judick Engel

    - p218; 1739 Sep 9;
    Hanselt, Jacob and Catherina -- Pieter.
    Witnesses: Pieter Liffelaer and Antje Hanselt.

    - p302; 1744 Nov 25;
    V: der Zaal, Hendrick and Maria -- Maria.
    Bullisvelt, Willem and Catherina -- Johannis
    Houselt, Jacob and Catherina -- Martein.
    V:Sickelen, Andries and Lea Krom -- Jan.

    Note: The church at Readington is actually in Hunterdon County New Jersey, but because of its proximity and perhaps importance to people of Somerset County, its record was included in this work from the Somerset County Historical Society.

  3. 3.0 3.1 Debt Record of Jacob Race of Amwell, Hunterdon, NJ, in Jacob Race. Debt Record of Jacob Race of Amwell, Hunterdon, NJ
    26 November 1739.

    “Phillip RINGO and Christopher SEARCH sign as wittnesses a note under date 26, November 1739, which reads in part, '...I Jacob RACE of Amwell County of Hunterdon and Western Division of the Province of New Jersey, labourour, do acknowledge myself to stand indebted unto Court CULE and Jacob HOUSHALL, both of the township and county afforesaid, Trustees to the estate of Kasper HOUSHELL, deceased, the sum of one pound eight shillings...' "

    The Bond of Jacob Race
  4. Provincce of New Jersey; Sedgwick, Theodore, 1780-1839; Allinson, Samuel, 1739-1791. Acts of the General Assembly of the Province of New-Jersey & etc. (from 17 April 1702, to 14 January 1776): from the surrender of the government to Queen Anne, on the 17th day of April, in the year of our Lord 1702, to the 14th day of January 1776. To which is annexed, the ordinance for regulating and establishing the fees of the Court of Chancery of the said province : with three alphabetical tables, and an index / compiled and published under the appointment of the General assembly, and compared with the original acts. (New Jersey: Burlington [N.J.] : Printed by Isaac Collins, Printer to the King, for the Province of New-Jersey, , 1776)
    p. 138, 8 December 1744.

    CHAP. CXCVIII. An Act for naturalizing Ludwick Hadn, Jacob Utrz, Frederick Tendle Spick, Adam Hoeſhield, Michael Tilheaver, Peter Dofgel, Hans Michael Milner, Johannes Hoffman, Matthias Houſhilt, Johannes Trimmer, Adam Bellesfelt, Johan William Bellesfelt, Peter Bellesfelt, Johannes Henry Snug, Baſtiyan Kes, Johan Chris Smith, junior, Filliep Snieder, Hendrick Winter, Johan Diel Berg, Adam Diels, Hendrick Diels, Matthias Trimmer and Matthias Sharpentin.
    Theſe Acts were paſſed the eighth Day of December 1744.

  5. The Housel Family, in Jones, Henry Z. More Palatine families: some immigrants to the Middle Colonies, 1717-1776, and their European origins, plus new discoveries on German families who arrived in colonial New York in 1710. (Universal City, California: H.Z. Jones, c1991)
    pp 123-124., 1999.

    Specifically on p 124:
    “There were three known HOUSHELL brothers of N.J. in the first half of the 18th century: Jacob, Johannes, and Matthias HOUSHELL. Perhaps their father was the Casper HOUSHELL, called deceased in a note found in the Emley-Race Papers in the Hunterdon Co. Historical society dated 26 NOV 1739 wherein Court CULE and Jacob HOUSHALL were Trustees of his estate (ref: A History of East Amwell 1700-1800, p77). "Gasper (Casper) HAWSHILL with 150 acres" had been recorded as a settler on the Societies Tract in N.J. in 1735 (Chambers, p635)”

  6. 6.0 6.1 Article “THE WEST JERSEY SOCIETY'S GREAT TRACT IN HUNTERDON COUNTY” appearing in , in “The Jerseyman”,
    Vol 3, No. 1, April, 1895.

    by Henry RACE, M.D.; Flemington, NJ.
    Copy discovered at ( )
    Originally recorded in 1735, the list of 98 leesees of the Great Tract in Hunterdon County as transcribed by RACE showing one of the 98 names as, “Gasper HOWSHILL, 150 Acres”.
    (NOTE – Have not discovered the original list).

  7. History of East Amwell, 1700-1800; , in History of East Amwell, 1700-1800; (by the East Amwell Bicentennial Society)
    page 77, 1976.

    “Phillip RINGO and Christopher SEARCH sign as wittnesses a note under date 26, November 1739, which reads in part, '...I Jacob RACE of Amwell County of Hunterdon and Western Division of the Province of New Jersey, labourour, do acknowledge myself to stand indebted unto Court CULE and Jacob HOUSHALL, both of the township and county afforesaid, Trustees to the estate of Kasper HOUSHELL, deceased, the sum of one pound eight shillings...' "

  8.   CC/From Whence They Came.
    From Whence They Came. Image:From Whence They Came.pdf
  9. Note that the William Housel referenced here is the 'Reverend' William Housel of Stanton/Readington/Reading in Hunterdon County, N.J. not the William Housel of Chillisquaque, Northumberland, PA. These are two distinct men with separate timelines and separate dates of birth and death, and separate WILLs. While we DO know the father of the William located in Northumberland, PA (he is William, son of Johannes, grandson of 'Kasper'), we do not know the father of William who lived near Stanton.