John Cummings, son of Isaac Cummings and _____ _____; b. about 1630-1 Scotland or England; (Essex Ct. Files XIX:86) John Cummings aged about 40 years in 1673; (Essex Ct. Files XXII:94 & XXIII:49) John Cummings aged about 40 years in 1674; (Essex Ct. Files XXIV:20) John Cummings aged about 40 and John Cummings aged about 18 years in 1674; (Essex Ct. Files LIII:47) John Cummings aged about 50 in 1679; on the list of freemen in 1673, his name precedes his brother Isaac Cummings'; d. 1 Dec. 1700 Dunstable, Mass. … John Cummings probably came to America with his father Isaac in 1637, and settled first at Ipswich, Mass.; nothing is known of his early life, but soon after his marriage he resided in Boxford about 1656, and at Topsfield in 1658, where the majority of his children were born. … John Cummings next appears as one of the first settlers of Dunstable, Mass., in 1680, and was selectman there in 1682. … On the 7 Dec. 1685 John Cummings and his wife Sarah were still members of the church of Topsfield, and were voted dismission to John Cummings without recommendation, and to his wife with commendation to the church to be shortly gathered at Dunstable.