Person:Isaak Johnson (1)

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m. Abt 1595
  1. Isaak Johnson1601 - 1630
m. Aft 5 Apr 1623
Facts and Events
Name Isaak Johnson
Unknown Isaac Johnson
Gender Male
Christening[1] 1601 Stamford, Lincolnshire, England
Marriage Aft 5 Apr 1623 England(license date)
to Lady Arabella Fiennes
Death[1] 30 Sep 1630 Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts, United States
Reference Number? Q6076578
Questionable information identified by WeRelate automation
To check:Born after mother was 50

Isaac was an ordained deacon and priest, educated at Emmanual College. He was a Puritan Adventurer, on the committee forming the new Massachusetts Bay Colony.

Isaac was the husband of Lady Arbella (after whom the Winthrop Fleet's flagship was named), daughter of Thomas, third Earl of Lincoln. He was "probably the most nobly connected of the early immigrants, Isaac Johnson was a wealthy supporter of Winthrop's camp. The tragic early deaths of the Lady Arbella, and then some months later, his own, were incalculable losses to the infant colony."S1

  1. 1.0 1.1 Isaac Johnson, in Anderson, Robert Charles. The Great Migration Begins: Immigrants to New England, 1620-1633. (Boston: New England Historic Genealogical Society, 1995).
  2.   Isaac Johnson, in Lundy, Darryl. The Peerage: A genealogical survey of the peerage of Britain as well as the royal families of Europe.

The Winthrop Fleet (1630)
The Winthrop Fleet brought over 700 colonists to establish a new colony at Massachusetts Bay. The fleet consisted of eleven ships: the Arbella flagship with Capt Peter Milburne, the Ambrose, the Charles, the Mayflower, the Jewel, the Hopewell, The Success, the Trial, the Whale, the Talbot and the William and Francis.
  Sailed: April and May 1630 from Yarmouth, Isle of Wight, England
  Arrived: June and July 1630 at Salem, Massachusetts
  Previous Settlers: The Higginson Fleet (1629)

  Passengers: Winthrop wrote to his wife just before they set sail that there were seven hundred passengers. Six months after their arrival, Thomas Dudley wrote to Bridget Fiennes, Countess of Lincoln and mother of Lady Arbella and Charles Fiennes, that over two hundred passengers had died between their landing April 30 and the following December, 1630.
  Selected leaders and prominent settlers: Gov. John Winthrop - Richard Saltonstall - Isaac Johnson - Gov. Thomas Dudley - Gov. William Coddington - William Pynchon - William Vassall - John Revell - Robert Seely - Edward Convers - Gov. Simon Bradstreet - John Underhill - William Phelps

  Resources: The Winthrop Society - The Winthrop Fleet (Wikipedia) - Anderson's Winthrop Fleet