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Henry Samson
chr.15 Jan 1603/04 Henlow, Bedfordshire, England
d.Bet 24 Dec 1684 and 5 Mar 1684/85 Duxbury, Plymouth, Massachusetts, United States
Family tree▼ (edit)
m. 20 May 1599
m. 1635
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Will of Henry Samson
Duxburrow this 24th of the: 10th 1684 The Last Will and Testament of henery Sampson of Duxburrow; In the Name of God Amen Know all prsons whom it may Concerne that I henery Sampson being in my right understanding Doe thuse will and bequeth my estate to be Disposed of, after my Death 1 I Doe Comitt and Comend my soule to God that gave it mee whom I trust hath redemed it; and my body to the earth for a season; Desiering that I may be Decently buried; 2 It is my will that all prsonall Debts be payed out of my prsonal estate; and that my funerall Charges before any legacyes 3 I Doe Give and bequeath unto my son Stephen one third prte of my whole puchase of Land lying and being in the Township of Dartmouth; 4 I Doe Give unto my son John one thirds of my whole purchase of Lands lying and being within the Township of Dartmouth; 5 I Give and bequeath unto my son James the remaining prte of the other third of my Land lying within the Towneship of Dartmouth; That is thuse Joseph Russell is to have the Land which was my son Jameses sold to him the said Russell; and I signed it taken out of the Last third; and the remainder is that which I Doe bequeath to my son James for hee had the Mony for the Land that was sold to the abovsaid Russell; 6 I Doe further give and bequeath unto my son James one shilling; 7 I Doe give and bequeath unto my son Caleb one shilling; 8 I Doe Give unto my Daughter Elizabeth now the wife of Roberd Sprout one shilling; 9 I Doe Give and bequeath unto my Daughter hannah now the wife of Josias holmes one shillinge; 10 It: I Doe give and bequeath unto my Daughter Now the wife of John hanmore ten shillings; 11 I Doe Give and bequeath unto Mary my Daughter Now the wife of John Summers; one shillinge 12 I Doe give unto my Daughter Dorcas now the wife of Thomas Bony one shillinge 13 I Doe Constitute ordaine and appoint ; my son Stephen to be executor of this my Last Will and Testament to pay all my Debts and Legacyes and to receive all Dues; 14 It is my Desire that my trusty and honored frind mr Wiswall would be the overseer of this my last will and Testament; Thus Desireing to waite untill my Change shalbe; and that those that come after may be att Peace; I shall subscribe with my hand and seale the Day and yeer above expressed; signed and sealed in the prsence of the witnesses: Thomas Delano Henery Sampson Joseph Chandler his marke
Mayflower Web Pages. Caleb Johnson © 1998 Passenger list, Mayflower from Mayflower inventory: one cow, table and benches, harness and plow irons, three wheels, lumber, corn, "Armes wearing Clothes", chairs, bedstead, chests, boxes, tongs, kettle, saw, augars and chisel, carpenter joyners, dripping pan, pewter wear, two old guns, table linen, horse bridle and saddle, library, wearing clothes, and old lumber. Division of Land 1623 - The meersteads & garden plotes of...which came first layd out 1620. / these lye on the north side of the towne next adjoyning to their gardens which came in the Fortune. - Henerie Samson References