Person:Elizabeth Lawton (1)

Please Donate
m. Abt 1638
  1. Robert Lawton - 1705/06
  2. Elizabeth LawtonAbt 1630 - Aft 1680
  3. Mary Lawton1644 - 1711
  4. Isabel LawtonAbt 1644 - 1730
  5. George LawtonAbt 1647 to 1648 - 1697
  6. Ruth LawtonBet 1650 & 1665 - 1726
  7. John Lawton1650 - 1678
  8. Susanna Lawton1657 - 1712
  9. Mercy Lawton1659 - 1685
  10. Job LawtonAbt 1667 - 1697
  • HRobert Carr1614 - Aft 1694
  • WElizabeth LawtonAbt 1630 - Aft 1680
m. Est 1651
  1. Esek CarrAbt 1650 - 1744
  2. Caleb Carr1657 - 1700
Facts and Events
Name Elizabeth Lawton
Gender Female
Birth? Abt 1630 Newport, Newport, Rhode Island, United States
Marriage Est 1651 Newport, Rhode Island, United Statesto Robert Carr
Alt Birth? Abt 1669 Newport, Newport, Rhode Island, United States
Death? Aft 1680 Portsmouth, Newport, Rhode Island, United States
Alt Death? 1724 Rhode Island
Questionable information identified by WeRelate automation
To fix:Born before mother was 4
To check:Born before parents' marriage

Caleb Carr b: 7 Oct 1644 in Newport, Newport Co., Ri
Elizabeth Carr b: 1646 in Newport, Newport Co., Ri
Margaret Carr b: 1648 in Newport, Newport Co., Ri
Esek (Ezekiel) Carr b: ABT 1650 in Portsmouth, Newport Co., Ri
Robert Carr b: 7 Jun 1654 in Newport, Newport Co., Ri
Mary Carr b: 1658 in Newport, Newport Co., Ri