Person:Robert Lawton (4)

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Robert Lawton
m. Abt 1638
  1. Robert Lawton - 1705/06
  2. Elizabeth LawtonAbt 1630 - Aft 1680
  3. Mary Lawton1644 - 1711
  4. Isabel LawtonAbt 1644 - 1730
  5. George LawtonAbt 1647 to 1648 - 1697
  6. Ruth LawtonBet 1650 & 1665 - 1726
  7. John Lawton1650 - 1678
  8. Susanna Lawton1657 - 1712
  9. Mercy Lawton1659 - 1685
  10. Job LawtonAbt 1667 - 1697
  • HRobert Lawton - 1705/06
  • WMary WodellEst 1664 - 1731/32
m. 16 Feb 1680/81
  1. Mary Lawton1681/82 -
  2. George Lawton1685 - 1740
  3. Elizabeth Lawton1688 -
  4. Robert Lawton1695 -
Facts and Events
Name Robert Lawton
Gender Male
Marriage 16 Feb 1680/81 Portsmouth, Newport, Rhode Island, United Statesto Mary Wodell
Will[2] 8 Jan 1705/06 Portsmouth, Newport, Rhode Island, United States
Death[1] 25 Jan 1705/06 Portsmouth, Newport, Rhode Island, United States
  1. Portsmouth Births and Deaths, in Arnold, James N. Vital Record of Rhode Island, 1636–1850: First series, births, marriages and deaths. A family register for the people. (Narragansett Hist. Publ. Co., 1891)

    LAWTON, Robert, died Jan. 25, 1705-6.

  2. Abstracts of Portsmouth Wills, in Rhode Island Genealogical Register. (Princeton, Massachusetts: A. G. Beaman)

    Robert Lawton of Portsmouth. Will dated 8 Jan 1705/6, proved 11 12 month 1705/6, p. 250.
    Wife Mary
    Sons: George & Robert both under age 21.
    Daughters: Mary Shearman & Elizabeth Lawton.
    My sister Ruth Wodell
    To my son George Lawton at [age] 21 land which I bought of his grandfather William Wodell