Person:Eleanor of Aquitaine (1)

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Aliénor d'Aquitaine, Reine des Francs, Queen of England
m. 1121
  1. Aliénor d'Aquitaine, Reine des Francs, Queen of England1122 - 1204
  2. Guillaume d'AquitaineAbt 1123 -
  3. Petronilla _____, of AquitaineAbt 1125 - 1193
  • HLouis VII de France1120 - 1180
  • WAliénor d'Aquitaine, Reine des Francs, Queen of England1122 - 1204
m. 22 Jul 1137
  1. Agnes Capet de FranceAbt 1138 -
  2. Marie de France1145 - 1198
  3. Alix of France1151 - 1198
  4. Roger Duke of Aquitaine CapetAbt 1156 -
Facts and Events
Name[1][3] Aliénor d'Aquitaine, Reine des Francs, Queen of England
Alt Name[3] Éléonore d'Aquitaine
Unknown Aliénor of Poitiers
Alt Name Eleonora van AQUITANIE en POITOU
Unknown Eleanor of Aquitaine, Queen of England
Alt Name Éléonore de Guyenne
Gender Female
Birth[3] 1122 Poitou, FranceHouse of Ramnulfids
Alt Birth? 1122 Bordeaux, Guienne, FranceChâteau Belin
Title (nobility)[3] 9 Apr 1137 Duchess Of Aquitaine
Marriage 22 Jul 1137 Bordeaux, Gironde, Franceto Louis VII de France
Title (nobility)[3] 1 Aug 1137 Reine des Francs
Annulment 11 Mar 1152 from Louis VII de France
Marriage 18 May 1152 Poitiers, Vienne, Franceto Henry II _____, King of England
Alt Marriage 18 May 1152 Bordeaux Cathedral
to Henry II _____, King of England
Title (nobility)[3] 19 Dec 1154 Westminster Abbey, Westminster, Middlesex, EnglandAccession as Queen of England
Alt Death? 26 Jun 1202 Mirabell Castle, Poitiers, Maine, France
Death? 3 Mar 1204 Fontevraud Abbey, Fontevraud-l'Abbaye, Maine-et-Loire, France
Alt Death? 31 Mar 1204 Anjou, France
Burial? 31 Mar 1204 Fontevraud Abbey, Fontevraud-l'Abbaye, Maine-et-Loire, France
Alt Death[3] 1 Apr 1204 Poitiers, Vienne, France
Reference Number[1] Q178525

the text in this section is copied from an article in Wikipedia

Eleanor ( – 1 April 1204;) was Queen of France from 1137 to 1152 as the wife of King Louis VII, Queen of England from 1154 to 1189 as the wife of King Henry II, and Duchess of Aquitaine in her own right from 1137 until her death in 1204. As the heiress of the House of Poitiers, which controlled much of southwestern France, she was one of the wealthiest and most powerful women in western Europe during the High Middle Ages. She was patron of literary figures such as Wace, Benoît de Sainte-Maure, and Bernart de Ventadorn. She was a key leading figure of the unsuccessful Second Crusade.

Eleanor was the daughter of William X, Duke of Aquitaine, and Aénor de Châtellerault. She became duchess upon her father's death in April 1137, and three months later she married Louis, son of her guardian King Louis VI of France. A few weeks later, Eleanor's father-in-law died and her husband succeeded him as King Louis VII. Eleanor and Louis VII had two daughters, Marie and Alix. As queen of France, Eleanor participated in the unsuccessful Second Crusade. Soon afterwards, she sought an annulment of her marriage, but her request was rejected by Pope Eugene III. Eventually, Louis agreed to an annulment, as fifteen years of marriage had not produced a son. The marriage was annulled on 21 March 1152 on the grounds of consanguinity within the fourth degree. Their daughters were declared legitimate, custody was awarded to Louis, and Eleanor's lands were restored to her.

As soon as the annulment was granted, Eleanor became engaged to her third cousin Henry, Duke of Normandy. The couple married on Whitsun, 18 May 1152. Henry and Eleanor became king and queen of England in 1154. They had five sons and three daughters. However, Henry and Eleanor eventually became estranged. Henry imprisoned her in 1173 for supporting the revolt of their eldest son, Henry the Young King, against him. She was not released until 6 July 1189, when her husband died and their third son, Richard I, ascended the throne. As queen dowager, Eleanor acted as regent while Richard went on the Third Crusade. She lived well into the reign of her youngest son, John.

This page uses content from the English Wikipedia. The original content was at Eleanor of Aquitaine. The list of authors can be seen in the page history. As with WeRelate, the content of Wikipedia is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.
  1. 1.0 1.1 Eleanor of Aquitaine, in Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia.
  2.   ELEONORE d'Aquitaine (Nieul-sur-Autize, Vendée or Château de Belin, Guyenne or Palais d’Ombrière, Bordeaux 1122-Abbaye de Fontevrault 1 Apr 1204, bur Abbaye de Fontevrault)., in Cawley, Charles. Medieval Lands: A prosopography of medieval European noble and royal families.
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 Biographie en Wikipedia FR, in Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia
    [[1]], trouvée 2015.

    Aliénor d’Aquitaine, dite également Éléonore d'Aquitaine ou de Guyenne, née vers 1122 ou 11241,2 et morte le 31 mars ou le 1er avril 12043, à Poitiers4 et non à l'abbaye de Fontevraud5,6, a été tour à tour reine des Francs, puis d’Angleterre.

    Duchesse d’Aquitaine, elle occupe une place centrale dans les relations au xiie siècle entre les royaumes de France et d’Angleterre : elle épouse successivement le roi de France Louis VII, à qui elle donne deux filles, puis Henri Plantagenêt, le futur roi d’Angleterre Henri II, renversant ainsi le rapport des forces en apportant ses terres à l’un puis à l’autre des deux souverains. À la cour fastueuse qu'elle tient en Aquitaine, elle favorise l'expression poétique des troubadours en langue d'oc. À compter de son premier mariage (pendant lequel elle a participé à la deuxième croisade), elle joue un rôle politique important dans l’Europe médiévale.