Family:Jacob Baker and Unknown (2)

Facts and Events
Marriage? Bef 1790 Rowan, North Carolina, United States
Abt 1789 Rowan Co, NC
3 Jun 1858 Macon Co, NC


No marriage record has been found for Jacob Baker, nor any indication of his wife's given name or surname. Based on their suspected children's ages, they must have married in the early to mid 1780's, probably in Rowan Co., NC.


No record has been found proving who Jacob Baker's children were. Census analysis shows several children. It is probably that Phillip Baker (1780/1790) is one of them. The proof of that is very thin, but Phillip did live in the same part of Ashe County as Jacob Baker. That is really the only connection.

Mary Margaret Baker (1790) is probably Jacob's daughter as well. First he did have a daughter her age. She was born in Rowan County at the time he was there. She married in Ashe Co., NC when he was there, and she lived on Beaver Creek same as Jacob. All circumstantial evidence, but quite compelling.

No evidence has been found linking any other probably children to Jacob Baker. As noted census records show there were others, but who were they?