Data. 1786 Franklin County Tax Records, Antrim Township



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McCauley, IH, 1878. Historical sketch of Franklin County, Pennsylvania.
Caution: Orignal transcription at Archive.Org is subject to making transcription errors. These have been partially cleaned up as time permits, and where the error can be easily recognized and corrected, but numerous transcription errors remain.
Note that the source for this tax list gives the entries in alphabetical order. This is probably the order given in the original, but in anycase, no significance should be attached to the order of names given below. (ie, adjacent persons may or may not have lived close to each other.
Note, also that some townships are duplicated in the original. These duplications have been preserved here, as they may indicate problems with the transcriptions.


In Antrim township with its present Boundaries including the town of Greencastle
Name Occupation
John Allison
William Allison
William Adams
John Allan
Samuel Archer
Robert AmlnuseDr.
Conrad Burner
Widow Bee
Hugh Barklc}'
James Borland
James Brotherton
Wm. Berryhill
Wm. Burk
Jacob Brumbaugh
George Brown
Jacob Bair
Wm. Beaty
Fred'k B3-ars Sr.
Fred'k Byars Jr.
Conrad Bush,Vames Brown
George Bartlebaugh
John Beatty
Henry Beast
Christ. Brandibarger
Jacob Brunk
Joseph Crunkelton
Hugh Curathers
John Crunkelton
Robt. Crunkelton, Sr.
Robert Crunkelton. Jr.
Sam'l Crunkelton
Wm. Cross
James Cross
George Clark
Thos. Clugston
Gabriel Carpenter
Joseph Cook
Peter Coon
Christopher Creamer
James Crawford
Charles Cox
Robert Cooper
Michael Carey
Wm. Callahan
Leonard Crowbarger
Robert Clugston
John Downc}^
AVni. Downey
Sam'l Downey
Alex. Drybrough
Robt. Davison
Elias Davison
Dr. John Davison
John Davison
Joseph Davis
John Davis(tailor)
Sam'l Duglas
James Dixon
Thos. Duglas
Wm. Downey
Abm. Derush
John Dusingberry
Adam Dickey
George Eldrich
Peter Elie
Cutlip Evert
Wm. Evert
John Erwin
George Eaker
Wm. Eaker
Abm. Elie
Humphrey Fullerton
Fred'k Fisher
Conrad Fisher
Nich. Frye
Jas. Fleck
John Foy
^nenry Gordon,
George Gordon
Alex. Gordon
Hugh Gaff
Abm. Gabriel
Richard Gabriel
John Gay
Jolm Gibson
John Gibson(creek)
John Grindle
Jacob Gallady
Abm. Gansinger
John Greer(mason)
Robt. Gibson
Dan'l Ilnolies
Jrveol) Harslibergcr
Widow Hanna
Widow Hart
Abm. Hull(black smith)
John Heaflcy(merchant)
Francis Hiln-ick
Saml Hntcliison.
Wm. Henderson(merchant)
John Haugh(tailor.)
Thos. Hutson
Henry Hoover.
Nich. Hewit
David Howell, (tobacconist)
Henderson k Wilkin
Jas. Johnston
John Johnston
Thos. Johnston, Esq.
Dr. Robt. Johnston
Wm. Johnston
Robert Johnston
And'w Jack
Crissly King
John Keer(weaver)
John Kirk
John Kennedy
Fred'k Kycher
Wm. Kiers
James Lang Rev'd
Matthew Linn td>Rev'd
John Lawrence(merchant and inn keeper)
Ricli'd Laurence(gunsmith.)
Robt. Linn(tailor.)
James Long
David Long
Mich'l Lowman
Jacob Lowman
George Lowman
David Larimore
Joseph Lowrey
Evans Lewis
John Lowman
Jacob Leisure
Dan'l Lane
Dan'l Linbaugh(tailor.)
AVm. M'Kee
Robert M'Culloch(merchant.)
Sam'l M'Culloch
Jacob Millar
James Moor
John Millar
Dan'l Millar
Henry Millar
Jas. M' Bride
John M'Laiighlin
Dan'l Mowan
Ludwiek Mowan
Patrick M'Entyre
Mary Michal(wid.)
James M'Lene
Dan'l M'Lene
Rich'd M'Lene
Hugh M'Kee
Jas. M'Roberts
Jas M'Cormick
John M'Cormick
Jas. M'Clenahan
Widow M'Clenahan
Wm. M'Clellan
Robt. M'Clellan
Jas. M'Kelley
Alex. M'Cleary
Sam'l Moor
John Marshal
Pat. Maxwell
Jas. M'Entyre
Stephen MoAvan
Baltsher Mowan
Morris M'Graw
Leigh Masters
Henry Morrow(cooper)
Dan'l M'Can
Jas. M'Clain
Henry Millar
Hance Miller, Jr.
John Mares
Lazarus M'Lean
John Xj-e, Sr.
John Xye, Jr.
Wm. Neal
Wm. Nesbit
Cutlip Xuts(hatter)
Thos. Prather(innkeeper)
Abm. Prather(blacksmith)
Christ Piper
John Porter
Joseph Paton
Robt. Paton
Henry Pawling
Jas. Poe
John Packman(cooper)
Felty Pachel(hatter)
Jacob Packsler
John Piper
Felty Preman
Peter Poorman(blacksmith)
John Paton(miller)
Andrew Robison
James Roberts
James Rea
John Rinch
Wm. Rankin
Jalnes Roddy
And'w Reed
John Rule
Mat. Ryburn
Peter Remer(shoemaker)
John Rodeman(shoemaker)
John Rodgers
George Rumble(blacksmith)
Wm. Reany
Wm. Rankin
Eml. Stotlar
Aln-aham Smith
John Scott
Wm. Scott
John Stoonkine
Jacob Stotler
John Stotler
Sam'l Smith
David Snider(sadler)
Dr. Hemy Snivel}'
Jacob Sayler
Patrick Sangerson
And'w Snivel}'
Jos. Snively
Sam'l Stotler(miller)
Henry Sights
Crisley Snively
Henry Snively
Dr. Geo. Stover
Gasper Stotler
Wm. Stover, Jr.
Jacob Stover
Em'I Stover
Fred'k Summers
Henry Snively
Nich. Stuff
Henry Stall, Sr.
Peter Shenlioltz
Widow Stitt
Henry Seerist
Philip Stiftey
Geo. Sharer(blacksmith)
Ludwick Small(shoemaker)
Wm. Stever, Sr.
Wm. Scott
Moses Thomson
Robert Thomson
Ricli'd Taylor
And'w Thomson
Thos. Tecy(cooper)
John Thomson
John Weerham
Peter Wolf
George Wallace
Christ. Weidner
Jacob Weidner
John Woods
Peter Whitmore
James Watson(tanner)
Rich'd Wright
Wm. Woodman
Christopher Wise
Jas. Witherspoon(joiner)
Jas. White(weaver)
Adam Wilson
Jacob Weaver
Fred'k Wyble
Peter White
Jacob Winterbergcr
Jas. White
Alex. Young(tailor)
John Youst(wagon maker)
Jacob Zacharias(sadler.)
Freemen — Wm. Allison
Wm. Cook
Jeremiah Callahan
Jos. Crunkleton(of Jno.)
Jos. Crunkleton
Jacob Crone
Wm. Downey
Sam'l Downey
John Ervin
James Gibson
Jacob Gallady
Joseph Grubb(merchant)
Ab'm Gansinger
Sol. Hoover
Peter Hull(shoemaker)
Jas Johnson
Felty Killar
Dan'l Keek(shoemaker)
James M'Clenahan
Robert M'Clellan
Wm. M'Clellan
Sam'l Moor
Dan'l M'Clene
Thos. M'Lene
Jno. M'Closkey
William Mintooth
John M'Cleary
Jas. M'Lenahan
Hugh M'Intyre
Thos. M'Clain
George N3'e
Henry Pawling
Rob't Pattern
Abraham Prather(blacksmith)
John Rush(weaver)
James Robinson
Dr. Adam Rankin
Jas Richey(saddler)
Thomas Richey(joiner)
Wm. Rule
Abraham Smith
Em'I Stotter
Sam'l Stotter
Stophel Sites
Sam'l Smith
Sam'l Stover(tanner)
Henry Siecrist
Henry Strimb
Conrad Speer
Fred'k Summers
Robert Wilkens(merchant)
Cutlip Wisar
Andrew AVhite.